Waiting for my contractions to slow down, at night your hormones - TopicsExpress


Waiting for my contractions to slow down, at night your hormones go up and baby is more active which means stronger more frequent contractions (lawdy just had to stop because one came haha) also means more constant pain between contractions because baby is trying to push their way out but cant find the right way (for Arlo thats the case anyways) she tries to push and find the right way but simply cant seem to figure it out quite yet haha there is no wrong or right way just a more painful and a less painful way haha less painful being more preferable by me obviously. Anyways waiting for them to go down because Ive been up ALL NIGHT shaking Im in so much pain, nauseated by the pain, almost crying from the pain haha then when they slow down and calm down I am going to take my ambien and pass out for a good long while! Ahhhh yes haha wont stop the contractions but will make me not care about them lol hoping I stay with the pattern of going up 1cm a day (or more) just need 2 more and my body will start moving things along more rapidly. Sorry for writing a novel everytime I update my status haha just dont want 6 billion people asking questions so Im trying to cover it all. There is almost 0 chance Ill have to be induced which will happen on the 15th if nothing else, but my body is progressing and working as it should so its unlikely Ill have to go to the hospital, she should be here with in the next few days just gotta wait it out. In the mean time trying to stay strong and be nice to the people around me lol its hard to be in a good mood when you feel like youre being stabbed to death and your uterus is filled with acid. Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers they are MUCH appreciated :)
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 12:14:50 +0000

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