Waiting is not your choice, you are chosen to wait. Have you - TopicsExpress


Waiting is not your choice, you are chosen to wait. Have you ever been around people who never need to wait? Everything they do seem to fall in place so quick. They dont even believe in God that much even though they may be attending the same Church as you. Have you ever been in lonely places though surrounded by the crowd of people? How about secretly excluded by some particular groups and you felt like you didnt fit? The Church as definition, or Eglise, It means a group of people Chosen, separated set aside to live apart. If you ever feel rejected because your obedience to The Holy Spirit, congratulations you are being separated from your background to be attached to your tribe. It always lift me up whenever I meet a brother or Sister in Christ at the airports or other public places. Without talking, we already know we have that spirit. We dont need a big cross on our necks, clothed in Uniform or some special hats and big book which can be the Bible or other religious book. we Look like Christ. Therefore, Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will Waiting is a moment you get to see God doing things on your behalf. He is preparing you as a weapon for a great battle. dont try to use yourself in very small matters. The generals in Army dont rush into any type of fight, but wait for the greatest ones. you being General however, you need to prove it by one hard thing most of us fail.Wait. After all, if you dont wait for him, you will wait for something else. God has chosen you for a special season. Otherwise you could be fighting these small battles like everyone else . Never underestimate Gods strategies.You may be surprised when your weakness turn out to be your greatest strength.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 06:26:24 +0000

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