Waiting on The Lord Today’s Devotional was inspired by John - TopicsExpress


Waiting on The Lord Today’s Devotional was inspired by John Waller’s Song ” While I am waiting.” Many of you probably recognize this song from the movie “Fireproof’.” I was having one of those days, you know where nothing seems to work out right. Have you ever had one of those? In frustration, I decided to sit at my keyboard and play some worship songs to get my mind off the fact that earlier my dog ran though our door frame (yes, not into it, but through it) and that my basement was flooded(again). I started playing ” I will wait on you” by Jason Upton which reminded me about John Waller’s song. I hopped on youtube and listened to it again a few times and I knew this was what I had to write about today. ” See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm ” James 5: 7-8 We read in the scripture above that we are told to be patient and stand firm. To Wait on the Lord and his promises just as the farmer waits for the land to give it’s valuable crops. I am not a farmer, although I wish I had a farm! I imagine a farmer doesn’t worry not stop if the hard work he put in was going to really bring a harvest or not? No, he waits patiently trusting that the harvest will come! He does his part, and then he knows after that all he has to do is wait! Easier said than done, I know. It is so easy to find ourselves tired of planting seeds and working hard, wondering if we will ever see the fruits of our labor. Right now I am trying to run a business from home and be a Good Father and Husband at the same time. There are many days when I feel like the hard work I put in that no one see’s will never actually make a difference. Then I am reminded of Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 Isn’t funny, how you can remember verses you thought you forgot just when you need them the most? Listening to a song about waiting on the Lord. Then the enemy comes to tell me that all my hard work is done in vain, and then BAM!!! God brings to memory Galatians 6:9 Let me encourage you today to wait confidently for the promises of God. Don’t just wish that things will get better for you, stand on his word and believe it! Wait on the Lord like the farmer waits on his crops. In Confidence that the harvest IS COMING! I have been having a hard time even with this devotional series. I started writing this 3 weeks ago and have had a new post everyday. I am very insecure in my writing and sometimes I felt like I was basically just doing a bible study for myself. Was there really a point in posting these anymore? Most of the devotionals I have put out there so far has had little to no response. I almost stopped tonight, and figured I would just do personal studies and no one would miss these anyways. I am thankful that the Lord led me to write about waiting on the Lord. Just while I was writing this devotional I felt the Lord speaking that this was seed and that I too had to wait for the harvest. These devotional’s are posted many places online right now and even if I don’t hear a response right now, I could be in a different season in my life before someone reads this and it makes a difference in their lives. So I will continue these devotionals and trust that the Lord will use them, even if I don’t see it right way. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come… Habakkuk 2:3, NKJV When the bible says to wait, that doesn’t mean to do nothing. That means to believe and prepare for what is coming. Prepare and Get ready! No matter what you are believing for, expect things to change in your favor. God is going to turn it all around and you’ll see the harvest he’s promised you. New Life is coming. Promotion is coming. A change is coming. Healing is coming. Favor is coming. Restoration is coming. Wait for it; because it will surely come. Jesus, I trust that You are at work in my life. Today, I choose to stand firm on the promises in your word. I believe that I will see your promises come to pass in my life. Amen. - See more at: christianvolume/2013/07/05/waiting-on-the-lord/#sthash.5oKunKfV.dpuf
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 09:02:04 +0000

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