Wake Up America! Return to the Faith of the Founders. Bible Based - TopicsExpress


Wake Up America! Return to the Faith of the Founders. Bible Based Faith. Belief in the Bible. Belief in Jesus Christ as Lord Savior and Redeemer. We are in the end times. The Word of God says that God will send a spirit of delusion to the World. We are seeing it! The World is being turned upon its head. Everything that Made America Great is being vilified, ridiculed, condemned, mocked by the Leftists (Socialists. Fascists,National Socialists, Communists, anarchists- all democrats) Their goal is a One World Government. A New World Order (communist utopia) with a Global Dictator ( it may be obama. It will end up being the Anti Christ) These leftists are using the anti-American,Communist teachings of Sol Alinsky! They are using the Anti American,Communist teachings of Cloward and Piven! The Goal of the left- overwhelm the system till it collapses. They Hate our History, Our Religion, Our Morals, Values, Traditions, Beliefs, Founding Fathers and Documents, Our Bible and All Truth. The Left will destroy Obama care to bring in a Single Payer system. The left will destroy the nation and our dollar by Overwhelming the system and print money- Mass inflation will accompany the collapse( like Germany after WWI) The Dollar will be worthless. The WORLD will need a New Reserve Currency. OR- Will they go Digital? Democrats have wanted to eliminate cash for years. Americas wealth will be destroyed and spread to the world with useless currency. All the World economies will collapse. Causing a Global Crisis. The World will call for some one Anyone to come forward and fix the Problem. The World will see a New Economic System with a mark- probably an RFID implantable Chip required to buy or sell anything. All other forms or transactions will be illegal. Making Gold and Silver worthless. (perhaps laws banning the ownership as well) Scripture says that people will throw their gold into the streets. It will be the Anti-Christ as Global Dictator. These are the times. Christian be ready. The Lord is coming Soon.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 21:46:59 +0000

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