Wake Up! Rise and Shine! Extended Spring Solstice STAR GATE - TopicsExpress


Wake Up! Rise and Shine! Extended Spring Solstice STAR GATE Meditation by ASHTAR for the Next Two Weeks! ashtarstrinity.sanandaseagles sanandaseagles Begin Your Mission: janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles Extended Spring Solstice STAR GATE Meditation Lord Ashtar To Begin TODAY FOR THE NEXT 14 DAYS FOR TWO WEEKS channeled by Janisel of Sanandas Eagles Ashtar here. As you know, your world is about to receive another very important and powerful download of higher dimensional energies through the opening of the stargate you term the Spring Equinox. And this will be what you might term a major release, bringing much heart opening among the peoples of Earth. And as you may also know, because we have told you many times before, these energies do not simply arrive on one appointed day, rather they begin reaching you several days prior and continue for several days afterward. For this reason you are being asked to do the meditation for two of your weeks. Before you begin, do YOUR Protocol: 1) Ground and center, 2) Intend for your ENERGIES TO JOIN THOSE in Project: Eagle Triad. This will be a dual-purpose meditation: (1) laying that Golden Pathway on which the energies flow more easily, so as to prepare the hearts of the peoples to receive and hold more Love than ever thought possible, and; (2) re-balancing some of the grids that have been greatly affected by your recent solar activity. So, to reiterate, with those two purposes in mind, YOU are being asked to do the following meditation for the next TWO of your weeks. Before we begin, let me just remind you to pull your God/Source Grid * tightly around you, for it is this Grid that we will be helping to anchor into the heart of every human on your planet; opening that heart to receive the Truth of Being. So, let’s get started. * The Source/God Grid: It is a Grid established by your conscious acknowledgment that ‘Something BIG’ is coming. You can’t quite describe it or put your finger on ‘what’ that ‘something’ is but you feel it throughout every cell of your Being. That ‘something’, that Energy, that you feel to be coming is, my friends, quite simply ‘Creator’ or ‘God’, however you wish to express it. And so it is this Source Grid or God Grid to which you are connected, and it is your conscious connection to this grid that helps ease the integration of its Energies into the mass consciousness of Earth humanity. For the first five minutes of this meditation, YOU are asked to aid in the balancing of your planet’s electromagnetic grid, which has had some disruption from your sun. And to do this, we of course send the Energy of Love, the great Healer and Balancer. For the second five minutes, YOU are asked to open to, and to allow, the anchoring of these Equinox Energies within their heart, then sending them (through their intention to do so) along with the Energy of Love to the heart of every human on the planet. For the last five minutes, we are asking YOU to simply sit within your own heart space, connecting with your own Divine Self, then connecting to the Earth and sharing that feeling of Bliss with the heart of your Mother Earth. These incoming Energies are for the benefit of the planet, also; so prepare that Golden Pathway for her to move, yet again, into a higher frequency. This is Ashtar, taking my leave, and sending to each of you my love.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 21:12:08 +0000

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