Wake Up and Create! How to reignite your spirit by Erin Cox - TopicsExpress


Wake Up and Create! How to reignite your spirit by Erin Cox You have so much creative potential simmering within you! Here are a few ideas to help you reignite your creative spirit: Start writing in a journal. I have written in a journal on and off since the first grade, and no other act has helped me understand myself more. Sometimes when I am upset with my husband, I write in my journal to sort through my thoughts. I often realize that I am not actually mad about the matter at hand. Rather, I discover that I have been harboring anger about an unresolved conflict that occurred days prior. Without journaling, I might not have understood these feelings and figured myself out. Get some special paper and paints, and see what happens. Being left-brained for so long, when I tried this, I had to follow the steps in a book on how to watercolor. The final product was actually pretty, and it empowered me to try something on my own. I have learned that I have little painting skill, but it was really fun! Do a craft. I have never considered myself crafty, and I grew up to believe that it wasn’t my “thing” because I was a career woman. While I can’t claim to have a lot of talent in this area, I really enjoy doing little projects on my own and with my children when I have extra time. Cook creatively. Get out of your comfort zone in the kitchen, and try something new. Challenge yourself by trying a recipe out of Gourmet magazine or an ethnic recipe. Peruse creative blogs or Pinterest for inspiration. I may not always have creative ideas myself, but I have learned that all of my most creative friends seek inspiration from others for many of their projects. There is nothing wrong with getting ideas from others! There are amazing and talented people out there who blog about their projects related to sewing, decorating, writing, cooking, gift wrapping, inspiration, etc. Get a new magazine. The next time you walk through the grocery store checkout, pick up a Martha Stewart magazine or something else that attracts you. Even better, large bookstores like Barnes & Noble have amazing magazine sections where you can find a publication on virtually any topic or hobby. Take a class. Take a painting, writing, or dance class! Stretch and challenge yourself to do something new and fun. Gather a group of girlfriends and try something together. You might even take a sewing or acting class. Dang, I am inspiring myself to try something crazy and new! Knitting classes, anybody? Start a blog. If you enjoy writing or photography, blogging can be an incredible outlet. There are numerous free or inexpensive templates that make it very easy. You could consider blogging a challenge to sharpen your skills and share yourself with the world! I really enjoy cooking and craft blogs featuring beautiful photographs. While it may seem as though there is already a blog for everything, there is no blog with your unique viewpoint and spin on the world. Maybe there should be! Read the full article here: healyourlife/wake-up-and-create
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 00:48:56 +0000

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