Wake up America! I have always heard that common sense is not - TopicsExpress


Wake up America! I have always heard that common sense is not all that common, and it is proving to be true in our government and legal system. I used to believe conspiracy theorists were nuts. Now Im not so sure. Not a day goes by now that you dont hear someone spouting off about positive thinking and gratitude. I almost wonder if that was started by our government to keep people from noticing the serious flaws in our system. We have a government gone wild, and very few seem to notice. They are too busy thinking positive and ignoring the very real abuses that have become commonplace in our system. We used to be a country that fought for real freedoms. That country is long gone. Now we fight for animal rights, but expose our citizens to unspeakable crimes. We spend billions every year sending young men to fight for democracy. Dont get me wrong, I applaud these men, and thank them for their service. They really do believe they are fighting for democracy. They just dont know they are fighting in the wrong country. First off, if you believe you live in a democracy, please return to school. We do not live in a democracy, we live in a republic. Our forefathers fought for freedom from taxation without representation. Well, we now have so called representation, however our taxes are higher than ever. Surprised? You should be. In a country where healthcare reform and Obama care have become a real joke. People who cant afford healthcare are to be fined for not having money. Yet we have the money to send people overseas to fight for what we do not have. Billions every year. We spend an undisclosed amount of money each year recording each and every phone conversation you make, and the government is allowed to read each and every email you send. This is used to protect you from terrorism. First off, Im not sure listening to me bellyache about how my dog didnt go outside when it was raining protects me from terrorism. (1984, by George Orwell needs to become required reading for every school in the United States.) But the sad truth is, if you dont mind this abuse of power, you should know it is not truly used to protect you. For instance, say you are being terrorized, not by a foreign power, but by an abusive ex. Can these taped phone calls where that person has admitted to what they have done, and that they have falsely accused you be accessed and used? Nope. In fact, did you know that each year almost three quarters of a million people have their constitutional rights taken away without due process? Hard evidence is thrown out of courts for hearsay. All it requires is someone to lie about you. They have to do it in a specific way, so real domestic violence rarely gets restraining orders. More restraining orders are issued in this country each year on false allegations than real ones where actual violence has occurred. Moreover, the percentage of actual victims of violence awarded restraining orders is lower than those that no violence has occurred, and there is hard evidence that the accuser has made false accusations. This is what passes for justice in this country. Dont get me wrong, I abhor domestic violence. However, I abhor the fact that these actual victims get no justice while bitter exs with an axe to grind are able to wield the power of God even more. There is never any excuse for any violence in any relationship. Period. Let me give you a few more facts for your consideration. Actual domestic violence has decreased. No, actual prosecutions for domestic violence has decreased. Education also accounts for the vast majority of this, and other domestic violence victim programs that help women escape the domestic violence. Do you really believe that a piece of paper protects you against violence? A 6 foot 250 pound man is coming after you to attack you. Do you believe he will stop if you show him a piece of paper saying that he is not allowed near you? No! Uncategorically, NO! Education does help. Helping these very real victims escape their situation does help. However, restraining orders by false accusation victimize the innocent each and every day. There are many studies on the efficacy of restraining orders leaving even the most determined researcher to throw up their hands in horror. Some say they are 85% effective, some say they are 15% effective. In reality, I submit that they are NEVER effective, and there are more effective means of reducing domestic violence. The reasons for this can be easily researched by anyone with a computer, a smart phone, and an ounce of intelligence. And men? If you are ever the victim of a false restraining order, never, under any circumstance allow yourself to be communicated with by the person who has taken this order out on you. Dont fall for, I love you and I want to get back with you. Dont fall for, you must come see your children. Dont do it. You will be arrested. I know your kids have been taken from you unjustly. But the law allows this. Your rights as a parent are gone. They have been taken away by a justice system that purports itself to be the best in the world. No wonder lawyers are the butt of so many jokes. This is well known in the legal system, and a full 25% of all divorces using attorneys have restraining orders attempted. Even if you never actually did anything wrong. The best thing to do is realize the person you thought you were in love with was not someone you actually knew. They are a true psychopath. Dont believe me? Look up the definition. A psychopath by definition is someone who has no conscience. They will lie to get what they want. It happens each and every day. I used to believe there werent many of them out there. But by current estimations, this happens in greater than 700,000 cases each year. Yet zero cases are prosecuted for false arrest or perjery in restraining order cases. Yes perjury is occasionally, albeit rarely prosecuted. But it is never prosecuted in these cases. Zero percent. You have the right to a fair trial. You have the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. Really? Not in restraining order cases. The mere accusation is considered proof of your wrong doing. After all, a woman accused you of threatening her. She must be telling the truth. Ever been in a bad breakup? Ever lived in society? Ever caught someone lying to you or about you? It happens every day. If this has never happened to you, you are living under a rock. Climb out from under that rock and open your eyes. Even if you have real evidence, the accuser will get their way and get all of your so called civil rights denied. You will likely be arrested. Luckily the standard of proof is a bit higher in an actual court of law, so those charges may not stick. But that restraining order likely will stick. And it will show up on every background check you ever have to take. Since most employers now do background checks, good luck in getting a job. This woman is out to destroy you. And she will succeed. Victims rights? Well, who is really the victim here? The woman who makes the false accusation? Well she is given all of those victims rights. You, my friend, as the actual victim of this foul person, have none. Too bad they dont have a background check for this. If you hear that this woman you are dating has a restraining order against her ex, proceed with caution. There is an a very real chance you are HER next victim. Unfortunately, there is no way for you to know if the charges are just. Because she will lie to you and tell you how horrible her ex was. Dont get me wrong, many exs are horrible. That is the nature of a breakup. People fight. They dont get along. Sometimes there was actual abuse. But, if the woman obtained a restraining order, I would be suspicious. Most women I know who have been through a bad relationship and a bad breakup have not obtained a restraining orders. There are more effective ways that do not involve restraining orders and denying someone elses rights. There are millions of women who do not believe that they should lie to get even with an ex. And, unfortunately, by its very nature, a restraining order requires the victim to lie. Most restraining order requests that tell the truth are denied. This is because the way the law reads. It requires you to state things that most real human beings dont say or do in order for you to obtain the order. If you dont lie, most restraining orders will be denied. It is only by lying that most people can get one. (This does not apply in cases where there has been actual violence with proof. Although, those are routinely denied as well. But in cases where the restraining order was granted on threats, those usually require lies to obtain.) So, if you are dating a woman that has a restraining order find out if the restraining order was for threats or for actual violence. If it was for threats, you can almost assume she has lied to get back at an ex, and you are in deep trouble, my friend. Run. Move. Dont let her know where she can find you. There is a very real chance you are her next victim. Can this system be fixed? Yes. Easily. Prosecute women who bring false allegations. Make it known that these crimes can and will be prosecuted. Make them think twice before filing false allegations. Make them pay back the taxpayers for the $2,000.00 the taxpayers just spent for them getting a restraining order by making a false accusation. For the judges that throw out actual evidence in favor of hearsay? Remove them from the bench and bar them from practicing law until they return to law school. Make sure they have proficiency in the rules of evidence. Make sure they know that all people have the right in this country to be presumed innocent until PROVEN guilty. Make sure they understand that an accusation is just that. An accusation. It is not proof. Bring back a real system of justice. Too many have gone to jail for crimes they didnt commit, while their false accusers roam the street free costing you, the taxpayer, millions of dollars. Not only did you just pay for that restraining order, but sometimes you are even paying to house in jail this person that, in all actuality did nothing wrong. I have heard it said that the justice system just wants the accused to feed the meter. In some cases this may be true, but in actuality, it is you, the taxpayer who is feeding that meter. Outraged? You should be! The costs to this society for the abuses this government continues to perpetrate are growing! Talk to foreigners who come here from other countries to visit. Tell them welcome to the land of the free. Excuse the laughter, it isnt you. You are being lied to by a government who claims to care, but would rather spout the public line than stand up for whats right. It might cost them votes. No wonder America is so hated by much of the world. Talk about hypocrisy. In summary, I would like to tell America to wake up! Thinking positive will not bring about real change, real reform, and real justice. Our forefathers fought for our freedoms. People in the 1960s marched for our civil liberties. Leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr brought about real education bringing rights to minorities. Our country is in real trouble! Stand up, America and be heard! And, if you are a real victim of domestic violence, get real help. Do not get a restraining order. Do your homework. Find out about real help for your situation. No piece of paper in the world is going to protect you from a man who is twice your size and determined to hurt you. Real help is available. If a man has hurt you, he is not going to follow the rules because a piece of paper says he must. He has already proven he will not follow rules. There is help. I do advise you to contact your domestic violence hotline. But when they tell you to get a restraining order, please, advise them that restraining orders are not real tools to help anyone. Scared? You should be! I am. I am petrified each day by this country that has gone crazy. Can I please get a restraining order to protect me from this government that regularly abuses its power? References: (All of these articles can be found on the web. They should be showing up as links and I am not sure why they are not. If you would like help in finding them, email me and I will email you the actual links. My name is undisclosed to protect my family and I. We have been a victim of this. However, please note, I am female and am horrified by this abuse by other women.) False Accusations of Domestic Violence, By the Numbers SAVE: Stop Abusive and Violent Environments False Allegations FAQ MassOutrage | Fighting False Restraining Orders 09_rutledge_turning.pdf Breaking the Glasses: Restraining Order Abuse and Vexatious Litigation, part one This article is copyrighted. Please contact me by leaving a message if you wish to use it. Full permissions will be granted for reasonable requests without fees. My only request is that you use the full article, so as to protect me from being taken out of context. Please like this site if you or someone you know has been a victim of restraining order abuse. Please leave your stories below. Anyone who uses profanity or abuses others on this site will have their comments removed. I do require that you remain polite on this page. Outrage is fine. Verbal abuse is not. Please protect the innocent and do not post any personally identifying information. Those posts will be removed.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 16:42:02 +0000

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