Wake up France! Your leaders are driving your country to - TopicsExpress


Wake up France! Your leaders are driving your country to disaster! French society is not doing well, “the cream of the elites” which are constituted by the graduates of ENA (NATIONAL ADMNISITRATION SCHOOL) and POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL, and who integrate to a large extend the big administrative and technical Institutions of the French State, are imposing on us their laws and their own visions at all levels such as in economic, administrative, political and financial matters. They lock up the system by their networks of influence thereby preventing any kind of change! Far from being the “ultimate creative genius of knowledge”, these elites have locked themselves within boundaries into their closed world and they will never question their own status. This is state corporatism! No other well performing country in this world has maintained such an outdated system, responsible for preventing implementation of any change. Considered very prestigious in our country, these “elite groups” are being scrutinised by ethnologists or historians from foreign countries as a curiosity rather than a model! Another French Exception! You cannot solve a problem with an administrative system that is at the source of the problem said Albert Einstein. This is why our elitist system is obsolete and becomes extremely hazardous. A unique source of power is dangerous and it seems obvious that talents with different professional and cultural backgrounds are far better suited to challenge the complexity of the today’s world. We probably have the elite that we deserve, because we still don’t have the courage to tell them that they are incapable of changing or improving the system for which they are responsible, whilst having all the powers to do so! Our French elite refuse urgent necessary changes: conservatism and corporatism are part of its identity without any foresight and courage to face the challenges of the ever changing world around us. The current crisis is designated as the scapegoat of all our troubles! Taxpayers are not to be blamed for the mismanagement of our public institutions. The current French crisis is a social crisis caused by the lack of confidence of French citizens in their political and administrative representatives. It is also a crisis of management in the public sector that the successive Governments have failed to reform. It is now urgent to make the necessary reforms. It is inconceivable that future generations should be paying off the debts we currently incur. Those managers and high ranking civil servants in place today are not the ones who should lead our country and the public sector. Competition imposed by globalization must also be applied to them! Tomorrow we shall need women and men with open minds and enterprising spirits. Mobility, innovative capacity, creativity are some of the necessary attributes, as well as to be excellent communicators. They must replace those who are currently part of this “high caste system”, relying on their prestigious university degrees. Forbes Insights and Société Générale Private Banking have analyzed the 1.200 richest people in the world. This study shows that more than two thirds of the “wealthy” French owe their fortune mostly to inheritance, whilst 80% of British and 68% of Americans are self-made men! These figures demonstrate to what extend we continue to consume our past without creating new wealth. The left and right wing political parties have provided us with several presidents! Change is urgent ... who will dare to face this totally inappropriate “dinosaur” system in the world of the third millennium! Hervé AZOULAY CEO of ATHES-FRANCE amazon.fr/gp/product/2950924115/ref=cm_sw_r_fa_myi?m=A2CJXCC8Y1NPO1
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 20:02:34 +0000

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