Wake up not knowing whether you are going to get through the day - TopicsExpress


Wake up not knowing whether you are going to get through the day with any success. Enter a world of chaos, abandonment, mistrust hate, misplaced anger, hunger trauma and deception. Hanging your ego up on the rack not because you are humble but because you know it will only slow you down. Putting your personal life on hold because there are others who depend on your positive attitude. Resisting the excuses, illnesses and negative behavior with tooth or nail. You take a deep breathe and question your sanity. Then, right when things are slowing down and the time says you are almost done; you PUSH harder because desperation lurks to attack at your weakest moment and tomorrow ceases to exist. Then, after the battle whether you win or lose, you put up that chin, hang your head high and if need be force that smile for you are remembered how you leave and not how you entered. You must leave the battlefield to tend to the emotional wounds. You analyze each detail. You think to yourself, what did I do right? More importantly, what did I do wrong? Why did something work one time and another time when i repeated that exact same tactic, it failed miserably. After, your mind stops racing and you try to get back to your reality, it is time to enjoy your life. It is time to rest. You look one last time at the mirror, and only you can see the invisible scars. Finally, you go to bed and hope to fully rejuvenate, so you can fight again tomorrow. -Social Workers try to give hope to those who feel ostracized by society. -Great Social workers wake up trying to do it again.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 06:57:59 +0000

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