Walking In the Wilderness You Get To Know God for Yourself - TopicsExpress


Walking In the Wilderness You Get To Know God for Yourself 10/7/2014 Exodus 16:10 And it came to pass, as Aaron spake unto the whole congregation of the children of Israel, that they looked toward the wilderness, and, behold, the glory of the Lord appeared in the cloud. Wilderness by definition is considered a place of barrenness and a place that is not cultivated. So when we say we are in the wilderness, we automatically associate our lives with barrenness an lack of cultivation. Is that necessarily true? When a place is barren, it bears no fruit. It produces no fruit and no seed. Is that necessarily true when it comes to life? When you are going through a wilderness experience, does that mean that you are fruitless and unable to bear the fruit of Gods word in your life? NO!!! God is more than able to cause us to be fruitful while we are going through our wilderness experience. Our wilderness experience can be defined as going into unknown area in our lives. Being in a position that we have never experienced before without the resources that we have had before. But what we have to understand is, what is unknown to us is still known to God. While you are in this place that you have never been before, remember the children of Israel. God did not leave them alone in the wilderness. He gave them water from a rock, fed them manna, and made quail fall from heaven. He led them by a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. They didnt lack anything that the needed. They learned about Gods provision along the way. They saw God move for them first hand. It was no longer what others had to say about God ... they were able to see God move for themselves. Sometimes our wilderness is so that we can experience the terms of God for ourselves. So that we will no longer be living by what someone else has to say about God ... but we can now be the ones that say what God has done for us. How He has taken us through a journey in our lives where He was the source and the resource for all that we needed. We have to also understand that God will reveal Himself in the wilderness. He will appear in ways where we will know without any doubt that He is God. YOU HAVE TO KNOW THAT YOUR LIFE DOES NOT END IN THE WILDERNESS. KNOW THAT IT IS THE WILDERNESS THAT CONFIRMS GODS FAITHFULNESS TO YOU.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 13:34:49 +0000

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