Walking The Pathway Of Life: Have you ever felt so sorry for - TopicsExpress


Walking The Pathway Of Life: Have you ever felt so sorry for someone that you would trade places with them if you could? Maybe you think you could handle their situation better-not just physically, but mentally too! But there are those times that although our heart hurts for others, we are honestly thankful not to be walking in their shoes or on their pathway! Especially during times of death or even situations not quite as difficult as the loss of a loved one, but still difficult to bear! We spend too much time thinking about how we would handle the situation if we were them or how we would do it differently or maybe at times, we even think we could even manage to do it better than they are attempting to handle whatever they are going through! But why we are trying to walk their pathway, we are going nowhere on our own pathway while someone is watching us and thinking how they would handle our pathway differently than we are attempting! But no one wants to trade places with someone who is on the pathway of sin and destruction and thus destroying their lives through nonstop addictions! But we all have sins on our pathway-just not the same ones-the important thing is to get rid of sins instead of adding more sins along the way! But the fact is we can only walk our path-we can’t walk anyone else’s! I have a path to walk! Derrick has a path to walk! Neither one of us can walk the path for each other!!! But we can help to ease each other’s burdens and make the load lighter to carry or we make more burdens and cause the load to be heavier and harder to bear! I can see his good qualities and desire to have them, but I can look at his bad qualities and I can either just be grateful I don’t have them or I can complain and only make them worse! Vice-versa for him about me! Just a simple word of thanks or kindness and appreciation shown makes our steps have more of a skip (LOL) as we walk! But a curse word or criticism causes one to put their head down and walk more slowly! It doesn’t even have to be a spouse-it can be a friend, parent, child or other family member or even a co-worker. Everyone has the ability to help others to see the need to take the time to stop and smell the roses or we have the ability to make their life so miserable that they don’t ever even notice the roses along their pathway! We all don’t have the same abilities, haven’t been through the same circumstances, don’t have the same wisdom and knowledge, don’t look at life and its problems and obstacles the same exact way, don’t encounter the same pains of life and every pathway is totally unique and no two pathways are alike! We all feel differently about life and its problems and how to handle them and thus we can’t understand why others choose to live the way that they do, make the choices that they do or act the way that they do-simply because we are on our pathway and not theirs! We can never walk their pathway for them-nor them walk ours, but we can help their path to be more enjoyable by simply being someone that they can lean on for strength and come to for help! The pathway of pain is the hardest pathway to walk! We don’t walk the same pathway everyday-sometimes we take detours or come to the end of a path! At times, we may even take the wrong path and turn around, while other times; we may choose to stay on the wrong pathway and encounter more obstacles simply by being on the pathway that we aren’t equipped for! If your pathway seems that it is more than you can bear-make sure that you haven’t allowed it to grow up with weeds and vines due to neglect! This is a result of walking in the direction that looks the easiest and most comfortable and lack of prayer and trusting God to lead, guide and direct us! Have you ever thought you were going in the right direction to only find out you were lost? Usually a result of not following the directions or the road map! The Bible is our road map in life and by applying it to our lives, we will always be exactly where we need to be! Delays are often to just slow us down from danger! The next time you want to trade pathways with someone else because their pathway looks easier to walk; remember they have learned through experience to handle not just the smooth walks of life, but also the uphill and rocky battles that seem to never be ending! If they seem to walk easily and with a smile even when encountered with problems, more than likely-they have help! My strength comes from God! Although no one can walk my pathway for me-God does walk with me, but He carries me when I become too weak to walk and allows time for resting and refreshing!!! And if I pull the weeds out along the way as they begin to grow (they are the doubts of life that cripple us with fear), I will always have a clear pathway and make it easier to spot danger! I may not always know where I am going, how I am going to get there or what I will encounter along this pathway of life; but I do know that God picked my pathway especially for me simply because He had that much confidence in me! So, I can complain and wish I was walking someone else’s, but in order to do that-I would have to carry all their burdens and troubles too and no matter how much or how big someone smiles-they could be hiding a whole lot of baggage not visible to the eyes along with their heartaches, troubles and trials also that are beyond their control! Just because someone is smiling on the outside does not mean that they are smiling on the inside too!!! Although there are times through compassion that I would walk someone else’s pathway and take their pain upon myself if possible than to see them hurting-I cannot walk their path of life!!! You cannot walk my pathway and I cannot walk your pathway! You can’t always change your circumstances (your pathway), but you can always put God in your circumstances (your pathway)! Your circumstances change through prayer!!! Me and Derrick both would change a lot about each other if we could, but that would change who we are and we would be interfering with one another’s pathway! God sees who we are and what we have been through that has made us who we are and only He can change our hearts! (But we have to be willing to change!) If we try to walk one another’s pathway, we will only end up at the wrong destination and not be blessed by trusting God to show us His way-although not the easiest, fastest, and most traveled route-God’s pathway for our lives is always the pathway of perfect timing and most of all- peace and tranquility along the way even through the storms of life!!! Are you trying to walk your pathway or have you been trying to walk someone else’s pathway??? Remember, we can only walk one pathway at a time-don’t neglect your pathway trying to clear out someone else’s pathway! You will only see the thorns of life instead of the beauty of life unless you enjoy your walk of life on your pathway!!!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 05:31:29 +0000

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