Walking down ths street in the middle of no where a kid notices a - TopicsExpress


Walking down ths street in the middle of no where a kid notices a girl. The girl looks about the same age. But something about the girl throws the boy off. He notices some marks around her wrist and around her neck. As the boy goes to approach the girl she disappears and reappears deeper into the dark woods. The boy, curious now, decides to follow her. The girl takes him farther and farther into the forest, apparently taking him some where he doesnt understand yet. The boy travels further and further getting lost by the minute as he continues to pursue this strange girl he only wants to help. Finally the girl stops and doesnt move. As the boy approaches he sees the girl looking down at somthing. Its a girls body that looks almost the same as the girl standing above the body. As the boy ventures closer she points to the hand of the body. The boy opens the hand to find a letter written in the blood of this girl. In the letter is says if anyone happens to find me , please tell my family i love them and im sorry. the boys looks up to see the young girl face to face with him. He turns the body over to find that the body was the girl that was standing before him. He looks at her and a smile and tear comes to her eye, the boy wonders if this is hope and joy. But the tears are the sadness she had and the smile is the happiness she had because she trused that the boy would deliver her message. The boy and girl look at eachother moment longer and the girl disappears for good.the boy instantly starts crying and vowed he do somthing. The moral of the story. Dont be afraid of spirts. try to help them in anyway possible and maybe u wont be the spirt left on earth needing help. An interesting and good story written by: Taylor Robinson {Rage} Feel free to send us stories to be posted.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 07:37:19 +0000

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