Walking the Red Road....and Why I walk it... I like many was - TopicsExpress


Walking the Red Road....and Why I walk it... I like many was born into a state of turmoil. By the age of 3 I was taken from my family. Then bounced throughout the system.. I was even adopted at one time but it never quite worked out. By the age of 21, I found myself in prison for committing the worst crime. The only saving grace for me to cling to wasnt much, just the knowledge that I did not harm a woman or a child. Most would have thought as I that this would feel or be my darkest most painful moment of my life. That was to come later. the worst moment of my life which truly hurt the most was when my daughter was physically removed from my home based on a most hideous lie which came from her mother. Although is was found out quickly that is was a lie, things had by then been set in place to keep me from her to this day. So now at my deepest darkest and loneliest hour, an Ancestor came to me and said remember your heritage. Then placed the tiniest and sweetest old lady in my path who demanded to give me a hug. Well thankfully I still had inside enough respect for my elders to accept her gift. Sometime after the most amazing things were happening. Elders of all nations were being place in my path. All seemed to like and accept me for the me that I was then. So that is how the story or my journey began. I at the time had been forced through circumstance to walk my walk alone till then. But, alas the Creator looked down on his son and saw only what he could see. I started to go to Ceremony to learn it amazed and awed me. It felt so right. It was the thing I was searching for without even knowing it, till it appeared in my life. Well my friends family and loved ones, that was many years ago. Now I cannot see just how far I have come like some others as I am still crawling and cling to this path. Other though seem to see so much more. Now being on this path has not been easy. And your brother here not necessarily the sharpest tool in the shed, and a touch of stubborness I still make many many many mistakes. Yet even through all the mistakes I make, I am blessed far beyond what I deserve. I now have a beautiful gal who walks with me. I have truly brothers and sisters related through the spirit. I have an abundance of love in my life. All of which I do not deserve but an ever so grateful. And ever so humbled. As Natives we call walking the Red Road our healing journey. As we heal we slowly become human beings. Am I one yet not even close, but have no fear I am on my way and may not win the race, but I am bent bound and determined to cross the finish line one day. So for those who know me and those who dont. I come to you at this time and thank you for your patience with this brother. I come being humbled by your love and prayers and well wishs witch have kept me going and still with you at this time. I come to say thank you, with the utmost gratitude love and respect for all my relations who have helped me stay true to the path. I honor each and everyone of you. ALL MY RELATIONS....
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 13:48:35 +0000

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