Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps is a very poorly made, bourgeois, - TopicsExpress


Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps is a very poorly made, bourgeois, hopelessly un-hip, heavy-handed and painfully missing-the-point attempt at a political movie, of course (its Oily Stone), BUT at least it is a massively-promoted movie about corporate crime. YET... cant we find talented directors to take up scripts that simply tell the stories of the worst-of-the-worst biggest assholes in recent world history – like Greenspan, the HSBC drug cartels, Barclays LIBOR manipulations, the post-ethical Eric Holder, Lehman Brothers, AIG, Art Samberg, the Royal Bank of Scotland, UBS, Hank Paulson, Timothy Geithner, Bear Stearns, Adam Sender, Jamie Dimon, Sam Israel, Bernie Madoff, etc. etc. etc.? Our children need to know these names, like Christian lambs were once well-schooled in the various forms the Devil may take. Spare us another Hollywood movie about 20th C. supervillains who already get more attention than their heinousness warrants (e.g. Tarrentino telling us that Hitler and all [!] 1940s Germans are bad whilst spending millions on a pointless and slightly offensive adolescent male revenge fantasy). Dont we deserve a wonderful, powerful, life-changing film based on some actual 21stC destroyers of worlds? If we dont, then the right-wing libertarians surely will :-(. (JP Morgan &) Chase involvement in the whole mortgage crisis alone could be picked for the human drama ready to be made out of the millions who lost their homes and lives. Opening scene: a bright young black girl in Tennessee peeks behind the curtains as the police show up.... Films a slow medium in the context of current affairs, but we are now SEVEN years after the fact of the meltdown and DECADES after any good rational Lefty business observer predicted the crash and its consequences. Best of all, the whole Fairfax bear raid is already a film narrative waiting to be brought to life – how hard would it be to show a bunch of purely-evil short sellers using CIA-worthy mad capers in order to destroy a company for mega-capital and f-in the rest of us over to the tune of millions? (Only the Abramoff clown routine in both the documentary and the fictional film COMBINED strike fair chord for me, though my students at Miami University seemed less than impressed) When some 15 trillion dollars are stolen from our economy, couldnt we expect – no, DEMAND – just one well-made, adequate and relevant movie representation of the crime? Of course, the story would begin with a young black man crossing a city street and turning a corner only to be unfairly accosted by the police.... (By the way, why cant Stone write just one convincing female character in his entire career? And how did David Byrne and Eno not understand the reverse irony [i.e. where the congruousness does not even need to be covered up with a top-down trope, i.e. perfect capitalist realism 101] that the Gods of Yuppie music – dont hate on me, im a fan of much Eno – were being used to provide the soundtrack to the upper echelons of Yuppiedom, or did they not care as long as the checks were cashed? Stone shoulda asked The Coup to score the movie,, in my humble, arsey opinion.....)
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 18:45:22 +0000

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