Wall comments: What is lacking in Mindanao and entire - TopicsExpress


Wall comments: What is lacking in Mindanao and entire Philippines is LACK of respect, tolerance, understanding, friendship and brotherhood among Filipinos of different faiths and religions that leads to more misunderstanding and hatred on both sides. Unless all accept that Muslims and Christians have EQUAL RIGHTS (and this must be done if the Philippines is to survive this chaos similar to the Catholic Irish Republican Army/ I.R.A. campaign for self-determination and equal rights in Northern Ireland against the Protestant Majority) chaos and war between Muslim groups and the Philippine government will continue. The clamor and battle cry of the Catholic I.R.A. in Northern Ireland and the MNLF were similar and in Northern Ireland it killed more than 500,000 before peace was signed leading to Stormond self-rule by the Protestants and Catholics today in a Parliamentary Style Governance similar to Hong Kong and Aland Suomi Autonomy of Finland. The Muslims who originally owned the entire Philippines prior to Spanish arrival in 1521 were dispossessed of their lands, properties and their rights to be treated EQUALLY in a nation dominated by the Christian majority. It is time basic services like health, education and housing become priorities of the Philippine government to address the needs of all Filipinos -- whether Christians and Muslims. Also, it is time the MNLF is given their Tausug ancestral territories (Zamboanga, Basilan, Sulu Tawi-Tawi-, Palawan and Sabah) as their Genuine Autonomous Region, while the MILF, should be confined to have their own Genuine Autonomous Region in their ancestral territories of Maguindanao, Cotabato and Lanao. This is the formula for peace in Mindanao. To group the MNLF and the MILF together will be futile. Though they are both Muslim groups but the difference is so vast and great. The Muslims in the Philippines are divided as ethnic groups: Tausugs of Sulu and Sabah; Maguindanaoans of Maguindanao and Maranaos of Lanao. These 3 ethnic Muslim groups are distinct and diferent from each other. The Philippine Government with the support of Malaysia as paymaster of MILF cultivated and befriended the MILF as a Divide, Rule and Conquer Policy with its Military Option employed against the MNLF to weaken the MNLF opposition group against Malaysias Sabah occupation. THE ONLY WINNER HERE IS MALAYSIA WHICH IS JUST TO HAPPY TO PAY EVERYONE FROM THE SABAH EARNINGS OF US$275 MILLION PER DAY (OVER US$100 BILLION PER YEAR) OUT OF OUR SABAH PROPERTY ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED BY MALAYSIA SINCE 1962 TILL TODAY AGAINST THE SULTAN OF SULU AND THE TAUSUG OWNERS OF THE SULTANATE OF SULU AND THE FILIPINOS. The MNLF under the stewardship of Chairman Nur Misuari vowed to recover Sabah from the unlawful occupation of Malaysia since 1962; but the MILF supports the stay of Malaysia in Sabah -- because the MILF is funded with guns, ammos, money and luxurious mansions in Kuala Lumpur given to senior MILF officers like Murad, Iqbal and others. The MILF is composed of Maguindanaoans of Maguindanao and Cotabato; and Maranaos of Lanao, and for the MILF under Malaysian insistence to be the rulers of the Tausug Bangsamoro territories will be a recipe for disaster. Allowing the MILF under President PNoys Bangsamoro MILF Framework Agreement to rule the traditional territories of the MNLF could mean further chaos, bloodshed and continuing civil war in the South Philippines.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 02:29:47 +0000

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