Walsh . . . NOT Daines Senator John Walsh believes in all of - TopicsExpress


Walsh . . . NOT Daines Senator John Walsh believes in all of us. Not just some. Not just the privileged. All of us. He is a man of the people. He believes in the social compact: Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security. He believes in public education: Pell Grants, quality classroom instruction, teachers in cultural sync with their school communities He believes we can strike a workable compromise among those who would develop our natural resources and those who would preserve them. He believes women must not be denied the basic human right to choose. He believes in union, the right of workers everywhere to organize for collective bargaining purposes. Walsh believes in good government. He believes in us. Husband, father, soldier, straight talking, no bullshit Democrat, Walsh is in his own words no academic. His bout with plagiarism proves that. But his bout with plagiarism has harmed no one but himself.* Then there is Congressman Steve Daines. Daines has and would continue to harm us all. He does not believe in us. His net worth alone places him far above and beyond anything we can call common. He doesnt need the social compact. He would happily cut Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security as though reducing the deficit succors the least of us. He thinks public schools should teach creationism, that is, NOT science. To believe this is to believe we should privatize our public schools for God and profit. He rejects compromises that would preserve for future generations of rich, poor, and in between the best portions of our incredible natural wealth. Nothing statesman-like here. As for women? No choice. And in the last analysis, the friends you keep do matter. Steve Daines friends could give a rip about union and collective bargaining . . . back to the social compact. Daines would shut government down. Yes, Daines is a husband and father, too. Beautiful family. Well situated. But his life experiences do not compare to those of Senator Walsh. He would rather swiftboat Walsh than deal with his own destructive partisan political impulses. Bottom line: When the bullets fly, I want Senator John Walsh in my fox hole. ef * Permit me to digress. I spent years preparing and practicing to be an academic. In my undergraduate and graduate studies I learned that few ideas are so remarkably new that no one had ever thought of them before . . . and written about them, before. No completely unique academic twist of phrase exists. Hence the flood of footnotes that renders too many graduate school papers damned near unreadable. In this context, only he who is without sin may cast the first stone. Just saying.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 16:31:18 +0000

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