Wananji.wananji,I have just left Courtney Selous Primary School - TopicsExpress


Wananji.wananji,I have just left Courtney Selous Primary School which is the only center for ward voter registration in Ward 9 ,Harare East.What a charade of deception. They started registering voters yesterday and will continue untill Monday.Yesterday despite kilometers long que they only registered about 250 persons.Today when I left they had registered 270. There is a deliberate and sytematic disenfranchisement of our people being executed by Toneth Mudede and the chaos faction. This is taking place countrywide.If they can do what they are doing in broad daylight in one of Harare s most enlighted suburb,Greendale,what more ,Gwelutshena ,Gumunyu,Rasa or Bare. If the people s constitutional right to vote and choose leaders of their own choice freely and fairly as enshrined in article 67 of the new constitution is to be respected then clearly on voting day then those not registered must be allowed to use their IDs and a supplementary voters roll be prepared. Without this forget about salvaging this election,and I am mean just that ,salvaging. At Courtney Selous ,just as there was at Tafara Community Hall,ward 46 a few days ago,the system had bused freshly shaved and hungry looking recruits from Chikurubi and Support Unit along Arcturus Road.Our monitoring team puts the number of these youths who have been registered just at Courtney alone at 700. They had there a special line ,receiving preferential treatment.Making our case that ZEC staff need to be changed I personally saw and photographed these youths.I personally saw a brand knew police vehicle bringing them food.What shame. In addition to these shanenigans, Zanu was busing persons from places such as Proton and Bobo ,nearby farming ares.This every party can and is alowed to do.What is not legal or moral is for these persons to then be given a special line for preferential registration.. I am aware that in Harare Zanu wants to get at least 6 seats which include Harare East ,Harare North,Mount Pleasant,Harare South ,Epworth and Harare West.In these areas they have stuffed thousands of service members to register as voters despite the fact that they do not reside in the same. This is precisly why among other reasons there should be a seperate period of voter inspection as agreed by the parties in the 2010 Road Map and as recent as 6 June. But lets just say to Zanu that our teams are already flushing out these ghosts through scoping of the electronic voter s roll we have started.I know that Mai Makone and mukoma Timba in Mount Pleasant are most completing their audits. They must also know that they they do not own these soldiers and youngsters.In the secret inner chambers of their hearts,they know the truth.As a matter of fact ,like all of us ,we cant wait to punish Zanu.The revenge of history. But it is not all gloom.As I shook hands with hundreds of people in the que this afternoon,I was impressed by the steel and determination of Zimbabweans.People said to me ,dont worry minister ,they will not frustrate us ,muskwe takabata. I was also impressed by the significant presence ,of young first time voters particularly female teenagers of the salad type. The youths are no longer prepared to be innocent by standers whilst selfish geriatrics continue to strangulate their future.They too,jobless as they are and still be looked after by their parents,can not wait. The current voters roll process ,which is being held a few days in a ward is clearly unconstituional.The law says there must be intense voter registration in every ward for thirty days. I reckon that even if ZEC were given another hudred days ,they would not finish. Constituionalism,the basis of the Con -Court judgment in the Mawarire case demands that ,every person not on the votere roll must just bring his ID on voting day and be allowed to vote. This charade is just a waste of money. Batai munhu. zikomu kwambili wananji.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 14:49:00 +0000

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