Wanda Yin Magana? Onye na-ekwu okwu? Talonsoro? Who is - TopicsExpress


Wanda Yin Magana? Onye na-ekwu okwu? Talonsoro? Who is Talking? My name is Michael Ovienmhada and I am running for President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Today, officially, campaigns begin toward electing the next President of the Republic. The biggest matter on the plate at this moment is security. Over 4 million people are internally displaced in Nigeria today. They have been uprooted from the land of their forebears, from their businesses, farms, schools, friends and neighbors. Nigerians are refugees in Chad, Niger and Cameroon. Thousands have been slaughtered, scores injured, children and women are in captivity and young boys conscripted as suicide bombers. Our country bleeds and all of us without exception should be concerned. Now, we have a chance to do something about it. You can have a candidate. I want to be your candidate. Here are six reasons why you should take a critical look at my candidacy. Security: Our territorial integrity has been breached. Boko Haram has seized 28,000 square kilometres of land. Let me put this in perspective for you. Ebonyi State-5,500 Sq Km. Abia State—6,320 sq km. Imo State—5,530 Sq km. Enugu State—7,161 Sq km. Anambra State—4,841 Sq km. What I am telling you is that Boko Haram has seized and occupies land, the size of all the Eastern States combined and you should be alarmed. Nigeria must remain one and indivisible. Nigeria must remain strong. To keep Nigeria one is a task for all of us. I need you to be concerned. It does not matter that you do not live in North Eastern Nigeria. If Nigeria hurts anywhere, Nigeria hurts everywhere. Our only concern now should be to beef up the strength of our armed forces to 500,000. We need overwhelming force to take back the land and occupy it with boots on the ground. We need our own version of Shock and Awe. As big and as powerful as the United States is, when they went to invade Iraq to take Saddam out, they went in with overwhelming force. The situation on the ground is unacceptable. As much as I like negotiation, no one will negotiate with you if they think they can beat you. This is unacceptable; this cannot stand; this must change. We need 100 percent focus on security. That is the number one duty of all governments. I will do this fearlessly for you. Franklin Delano Roosevelt famously said---We have nothing to fear but fear itself. Let the King who is afraid and unable to secure his people be damned. He should not be King. Unemployment: 2015 is about Jobs, jobs, jobs and more jobs. It’s Jobs stupid. Unemployment is fuel for insecurity. We have 70 million Nigerians looking for work who cannot find work. I can find work for them over a 4-year period. The quickest way to create jobs is through Agriculture because it has a long value chain. Thailand has cured unemployment in their country through massive investment in Agriculture. Unemployment in Thailand stands at 0.062%. We have 83 million hectares of arable land and great ecology. We spend $15 Billion dollars every year to import Rice, Sugar, Wheat and Fish, all of which we can produce here. This is prodigal economics and it cannot stand; it must not stand; it must change. In one year, with aggressive investment in Agriculture and proper investment in milling, processing, packaging and storage facilities, we can achieve food security, create jobs for millions of our young people and become net food exporters. One hectare of land cultivated for Rice can produce 15 jobs. Thailand cultivates 9.3 million hectares of land for Rice alone. That is what makes them giant exporters of rice in spite of yearly Monsoon challenge. We are free of all those weather challenges. Our challenge is Monsoon leadership. I will make Nigeria the Spare Parts Capital of the world by completing Ajaokuta speedily. We will invest in copy technology and start to build everything that we currently import. We can begin to build cars from start to finish. Every car has approximately 33,000 individual parts. That translates to millions of jobs for our people. Let us make Nigeria bubble and have our people smiling again. No more long faces. Happy days are coming. Education: We need to make massive investment in education for our children to enable them learn what they did not know yesterday and create the gadgets we need tomorrow. Every child must take a computer to school. We will build state of the art schools and state of the art Teacher Training Institutions that would be attractive to the best brains in the land. I will elevate the status of teachers back to the top of society where they belong. If there are no great teachers, there will be no great doctors and there will be no great engineers. No public official will have their children in any private schools. That is a good starting point. Kindergarten to SS3 will be free. There will be a 3-year component of the 6-3-3-4 system that will be exclusively devoted to skills acquisition. Germany has done this beautifully. In Europe, they stand out as the country with the lowest unemployment rate in a recession. The average German is skilled enough to find a way to make a living even when the factories shut down. We need education that is geared towards the ability of the individual to create jobs. In order to do this, we must first make the investment to create a class of Master Craftsmen in as many fields of endeavor as possible. For those who wish to go to tertiary institutions to seek further education, when you pass your JAMB and collect your admission letter, you can walk into an Education Bank which I will create. You will get a loan to go to school. It will cover all your needs as a student. This way, the lecturers will be well paid, the University can build infrastructure and strikes will be banished forever. You will have 20 years to pay back the Student loan. There will be a penalty if you do not pay back. Electricity: I will make 24-hour uninterrupted electricity a fundamental human right in Nigeria. There is a simple commonsense solution to electricity. We must repeal the Electricity Act of 2005 and totally deregulate the market. The solution to our electricity lies in localizing the solution. If I live in Surulere, I do not need to wait to get my power from Afam Power Station in Okoroma, Rivers State through an obsolete transmission grid. I need a company to come to Surulere, generate 5MW, run their cables to my house in Surulere and collect their money through pre-paid meters. Right now, according to the Electricity Act of 2005, all power generated must be sold by law to a government corporation called Nigerian Bulk Electricity Trading, (NBET). The NBET then gives the power to the Transmission Company of Nigeria, (TCN) which in turn gives it to the Distribution Companies, (DISCOS) before it gets to you in your house. If you are an investor, would you want to make an investment in a power plant where the only customer you have is the Nigerian government? Power generation is not Rocket Science and it ought to be de-complicated. You require $1 million to generate IMW. In the year 2000, Germany introduced incentives and challenged the business community to generate 50% of their power from Solar energy by the year 2020. By early 2014, this year, they had exceeded the target. Germany now generates 210,000MW from Solar and 40,000MW from Wind. If we change the law today, hundreds of companies will spring up to take over communities and we can kiss goodbye to darkness forever. Every country must look for a model that works for her. Nigeria works well with Free Markets and that is what I will try to do in every sector. Oil Industry: In the last two months, the United States has not imported one barrel of Oil from Nigeria. They no longer need to because they have found a way to extract oil from rocks profitably. It is called Shale Oil and they have enough to last 400 years. We had a great run of high oil prices and prosperity for 15 years but we mismanaged it. Now, adversity is coming upon us. Nigeria needs a leader who loves this country, understands the challenges we face, and is compassionate and courageous enough to do the right thing. For 22 years, we have imported Petroleum products into this country and made a few people extremely rich. For 15 of those 22 years, the PDP and APC have been in control of our country. If they could not come together in a bi-partisan effort to cure this problem, then we need to send them packing and into retirement in 2015. Again, all we need is a simple commonsense solution. The big failure in leadership in this country is that we do not have people who are prepared to take the time to do research and take the pains to find out what would work for our country. What is good for the United Kingdom is not necessarily good for the Federal Republic of Nigeria. In the Niger Delta today, there are hundreds of illegal refineries and I am told that some of the major Oil companies purchase products from them to sustain their operations in the creeks. I will set out to legalize them and issue licenses to them. We will help them enhance their processes and standards and they can help produce petroleum products to satisfy the local market. If we do this, prices will drop to about Sixty Naira per litre. We will then be able to save N4 Trillion Naira used for Kerosene and Petrol subsidy. Corruption: What we need to cure corruption in this country is a sectoral approach to the problem. NITEL used to be one of the most corrupt organizations in Nigeria. With deregulation in the Telecoms sector, corruption has been eradicated there. One of the biggest enablers of corruption in Nigeria is the slow judicial process. I will eliminate or adjust two major obstacles from our Judicial process. First is the Adjournment system. We need to put a cap on the number of adjournments in any particular case. No case should entertain more than two adjournments. Presently, it is being used to frustrate the progress of a case. The second thing is the Stay of Proceedings. This is the way it works. A man steals a Goat in Yaba and he is charged to court in Yaba. His lawyer then goes to Ikeja to file a Stay of Proceedings to determine whether the Judge in Yaba is competent to hear Goat cases. Until the case in Ikeja winds through the appeal process, the Goat case in Yaba cannot be determined. By this time, the Judge may have been promoted to Zamfara State and the Goat case begins all over again with a new Judge. This is why the Chief Justice cried out in 2013 that it was unacceptable that very few Judges pass more than four judgments in an entire year. How can they when the rules do not allow them? Have you wondered why many of the corruption cases against ex Governors have stagnated since 2007? Now, you have the answer. When you have a convoluted Judicial system, it therefore becomes easy for corruption to enter the system and for the highest bidder to get what he wants and not what he deserves. To further expedite the administration of Justice, we need to have specialized courts, train more Judges and build more courts. It is unacceptable that 85% of people in Jails across the country are awaiting trial, some for years and in many cases, they may have been in jail longer than the sentences their crimes should attract. Nigeria needs a leader in 2015 who understands the issues and has the courage to address them without being afraid. I am not afraid. Let me be your candidate. WANDA YIN MAGANA? ONYE NA EKWU OKWU? TALONSORO? WHO IS TALKING? My name is Michael Ovienmhada. I am running for President on the platform of the Citizens Popular Party, CPP. I have no godfather. You the people of Nigeria are my godfathers. I have prepared for this job for seven years. I have a 70-page manifesto which you can read on my blog at—moop2015.blogspot. Read my blogs and make your comments please. Share it with your friends. Be my friend on Facebook and share my posts with your friends and encourage them to do the same. Join me on Twitter at #yeswecannigeria. Share this article with hundreds of your friends and encourage them to do the same. Go to Youtube and type in my name and watch my videos and share with hundreds of your friends. Make me your Cinderella President in 2015. If all of us share this information, we can take Aso Rock in 2015 and begin the process of building an enduring nation. We need people to run for office across the country. If you want to run for office and you want to help, please send me a mail at –MichaelOvienmhadaforPresident@gmail. God bless you all and may God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 15:54:49 +0000

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