Wanna be rich? Wear helmet! Last Sunday, first time this year, - TopicsExpress


Wanna be rich? Wear helmet! Last Sunday, first time this year, I ran a Red course on #HudsonValleyOrienteering (#HVO) local meet. After arrival to registration – a bit late, but still before the closure of the start – I was asked by meet director #GuyOlsen, who knows me since 1996, a surreal question – whether I wish to run an orienteering course? Since it was more than obvious that I do, the only explanation I could find why he asked this question – he probably hinted that Im too late. Trying to make a joke out of it, I said I was there to take a sunbath (it was a gorgeous sunny day – though a bit cool) or to swim it the nearby lake. While we were talking face to face, one foot apart, he seriously replied: “We dont do that kind of things here.” Now, another thought struck my mind: “Guy had not recognized me!” Then another: “May it be this person is not Guy Olsen?” I looked at him closely – it looked like he lost some weight but it definitely was him. During all this conversation I also kept in mind one more version of Guys behavior – I wore a black round bicycle helmet – one that completely covers forehead and ears. I took off the my helmet. Guy laughed – now he recognized me! According to a Ukrainian saying if you are not recognized youll become rich. Want to be rich? Nothing is easier – wear a helmet! :) * * * It was a very generous of HVO to introduce for a local event a NEW high quality map on a rocky glacier-carved terrain. Thanks to #GregBalter All controls were placed where they should be. Thanks to #NadyaPopova. The event was well organized. Thanks to Guy Olsen. Besides plenty of parking space, hot cofee, ice tea, fruits, snacks available on finish, an e-punch (#Sportident system) was used (it becomes a routine on HVO local meets to use one) – it always creates a good impression of an event. I had about 5 min 30 second errors (90% of it happened because of my poor vision). Even if I had a completely clean run, my result would be about 57-58 minutes – or about 40% behind the leader (in fact it was 51%). Yeah, Im getting old – slowly but surely.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 05:09:15 +0000

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