Wanna know whats so criminal about death penalty trials? Start - TopicsExpress


Wanna know whats so criminal about death penalty trials? Start with the concept of having a jury of your peers. Whats that mean? A fair cross section of society, right? Rednecks, hippies, and insurance salesmen. Maybe a nurse or a pet groomer, right? WRONG. In a death penalty case, ANYONE, and EVERYONE, who expresses even the SLIGHTEST hesitance about the legitimacy of the death penalty is automatically EXCLUDED. That automatically excludes one-third to one-half of all peers! (Fully one-third of all Americans are dead set against the death penalty. And there are many more who at least have legitimate doubts.) It guarantees that every single juror on a death penalty case automatically buys all that eye-for-an-eye crap. Vengeance is Mine, Sayeth the Lord. Oh, and so sayeth the motorcycle sales guy down the road. It automatically excludes up to 50% of Americans who wonder whether murdering someone for . . . wait for it . . . murdering someone just might not make rational sense! Sorry, James Egan Holmes. But any of your peers with half a heart and half a brain will NOT be among those deciding whether the State of Colorado may MURDER you. Cheers.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 04:45:01 +0000

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