Want fresh local veggies grown by me every week this summer? Let - TopicsExpress


Want fresh local veggies grown by me every week this summer? Let us do the work and all you have to do is buy a share! Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a subscription program where members support a local farmer in exchange for a share of healthy, feel good food. As a CSA Shareholder, you pay up front, buying into the farm and what goes into preparing for the seasons harvest. Field Good Farms, in turn, will supply you with 18 weeks of fresh seasonal vegetables, fruits, and herbs. When you support Field Goods Farm you are supporting resource conservation, sustainable agricultural practices and organic farming methods. You support the local food economy and help establish a productive farm from what was once a weed patch. The season is from late May until late September or early October. 1. The good ole standby share.$468. It hasnt changed in quantity or price in several years...why mess with such a good thing? (COST: $26/wk, $468) 2. The half share. $250. A popular new addition. last season, offered for members who feel the good ole standby share is just too danged much food for them. You receive your share every other week with this one, giving you longer between harvests to eat up your bounty! 3. The Farmer Advocate Share. $608.40. This new little gem was inspired by a farm we visited in Portland, that offers its members the option of paying an extra amount for the same share, so they can help support the farmer(s) with a living wage! Its a cool concept, and also great for education about what a share would cost if we wanted to truly support CSA farmers with a living wage. (COST: $33.80/wk, or $608.40 for the season) **Delivery of your share to home or office is an additional $4/wk, or $72/season! For more info. see fieldgoodsfarm/
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 19:07:39 +0000

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