Want to be the best in the industry? Learn how to follow the - TopicsExpress


Want to be the best in the industry? Learn how to follow the companies that do the testing. Find out whats involved in the testing process.... What criteria was used in the information offered to you? Whats their objective? How did they test? Who did they test with? Are they objective in their opinion and testing results without bias, ego or pride? Is there documentation available? What are the results? And, how did they reach their final conclusions? Or, are you just following others because because it seems like the right thing to do, buy or use? Did you even make a call to the manufacture before hand or did you just jump in because a friend or business associate said so? There are many ways to test a product or a service however its not as easy as it looks and in most cases takes a lot of time, energy, professional documentation and set up as well as redundancy. Testing may take countless hours, days, weeks and months or even years. Testing needs to take place in many types of climates both controlled and in uncontrolled environments. And, The documentation is critical... Testing and focus groups play a huge roll in manufacturing a product as well as from the leaders in any given industry. Its our jobs as industry leaders to test with as much accuracy as we can to be sure we are giving everyone all the information you need in order to make decisions. Its imperative you get both the negative and positive results of all testing being done. Once testing is completed it could continue to take days, months or every years for the final results to be documented and accounted for. For example: When we started testing the new Paint Coating Category we started ours as far back as the end of 2011 when paint coatings were first arriving here in the US and ended up finishing our testing two years later!! And now, we are seeing new generations of paint coatings, new versions, new applications techniques and even more companies going into production on new paint coating products. So, the testing continues on an ongoing basis so we can stay ahead of the game. User experience testing is imperative for many reasons and, its the user experience that is one of the main ingredients for both positive and negative testing results as well as the much needed feedback. How many users were involved, how many open opinions have been collected? What was the average user experience and how was it rated. Make a note that behind the scenes most of your major Manufactures are performing all these types of test well before launching any product or service. In order to be a great testing professional it takes years of experience and practice. Not just anyone can test without the foundation and knowledge needed to back up your ability to test and document. I know that when asked if Ive tested a product, chemical or service the manufacture or vendor is looking for very specific information, detailed documentation to include; times, temperatures, user experience, difficulties in the use, performance levels and many other criteria in order to satisfy their objectives. I also know that most of the major manufactures turn to many industry professionals during the testing phase of new products to be tested. For example, Im one of many testers for Meguiars and, using them as an example, Meguiars has testing professionals they use from all over the world and for many good reasons. Its very important to know how to average out when testing and offering up testing results. Where and how did you come up with your averages and percentages and how were they rated? Testing is an art and it can be very challenging... Especially when cutting loose with testing results and getting hammered on forums or Facebook. Just because you tested something does not mean you are going to impress anyone with your results, win them over to your side of the fence or even get someone to purchase a product or try something new. Want to be the best in the industry? Then be sure to get your information from the source that has completed the proper testing. Get your information on the companies that pay the price using good test results and focus groups before you make any decisions on your business and your career. This is just smart and good business advise. If you need information on a product, service or new product category dont hesitate to call or email the manufacture or vendor directly or, please feel free to call us here at The Detailing Pros and we will do our best to get you the information you are looking for or at least be able to point you in the right direction. Good luck to all of you that are doing your best trying to keep up with all the many changes we face with so much new technology, products and services coming into the car care industry. Here we grow again!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 00:30:44 +0000

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