Want to fix things without a revolution and try to preserve our - TopicsExpress


Want to fix things without a revolution and try to preserve our constitution and bill of rights? You have to begin by realizing we have a government that has been taken over by a hostile element from the inside that has corrupted our political process and subverted our constitution. All these psychopaths left and right are friends behind the scenes. They all march to the orders of the same wealthy elite that they receive from think tanks and secret meetings at the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg conferences. No matter which party is in power the steady march towards fascist globalization continues unabated. The social issues that define party loyalty are non issues to the elite used to divide Americans. All of these professional politicians are puppets and need to be removed from office. We begin by imposing term limits to 1, 4 year term. Vote out everyone of all the major political parties and replace them with Washington and elite circle outsiders. Both major parties are completely corrupt and their candidates should not be voted into office at any level. We need a citizen government that answers to the people not a government of professional politicians owned and sponsored by those with the most money, that answers to corporations and banksters. End the Federal Reserve ponsi scheme and let the Treasury print its own American interest free dollars and end fractional reserve banking. This alone will cut the major source of funding and control of these banking parasites have over the country and our political process. Ban these think tanks with their secret closed door meetings between people serving in government and people in banking and business. This means no more Council on Foreign Relations or Trilateral Commission, places where the process of open transparent governance are subverted in hidden back room deals by those elected to serve the people and those in business in secret meetings. Abolish professional lobbyist and severely curtail the amount of money lobbyist can contribute to politicians. Ban foreign lobbyist period. Ban anyone swearing allegiance to or belonging to a secret society from holding any government office.{Masonic Lodges, Knights of Malta, Skull and Bones ect} Ban anyone who holds a dual citizenship in another country from any government position, elected or unelected. Close the revolving door and conflicts of interest, between the people in government that regulate industry, so they cant be a regulator one day, and then get a job with the businesses they were regulating the next day, and then go back into regulating the business in government again. Change the conditions of corporate charters to make the welfare of the employees, the environment and the welfare of the country in which they do business, take precedence over profits. Make employees of companies the stock holders and share the profits with them instead of selling stock to outside parasites that contribute nothing but suck out the profits. Make a review of corporation charters every 10 years and any corporation not working in the public and national interest should be dissolved. In this day and age, there is no excuse for rigged voting. All it would take to ensure an accurate count is for each ballot to have a number on it, and each ballot to be put online to show how the vote for that particular ballot went. If 52 people voted in a particular precinct, only 52 ballots should show up, and all 52 people who voted could get together and confirm their vote was counted correctly. And all it would take is a number on each ballot that the people casting the vote kept and cross checked later against a database. But we will never see that. And having votes from each precinct be given a sum total that everyone who voted could get together and verify would keep dead people from voting.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 16:25:00 +0000

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