Want to help, but not sure how? Please read this sound advice from - TopicsExpress


Want to help, but not sure how? Please read this sound advice from David: If you are passionate about what OSBAG are trying to do please call your Cllr and ask to meet 1-1. When I did and walked him through the OCC data he was dumbstruck. The reality is many local Cllrs are very busy folk [like us] and dont necessarily have time to read everything they are sent. My meeting was a revelation to him and he conceded the proposals for his patch were bonkers. I suggest you do the same. If you dont feel confident enough to meet them, or cannot set up a meeting before the crucial vote next Tuesday, email them instead and tell them how these proposals will affect you and why you object to them. This is especially important if you live in: Villages around Woodstock- [email protected] Phone: (01993) 812475 Mobile: 07956 270318 Villages including Charlbury, Chadlington and the Wychwoods- [email protected] Mobile: 07919 298277 Villlages inc. Adderbury, Deddington and the Astons- [email protected] Mobile: 07500 930522 Villages around [email protected] Phone: (01367) 241468 Villages including Leafield, Hanborough and Minster [email protected] Phone: (01993) 773560 Mobile: 07519 381283 Villages including Cumnor, Tubney, Southmoor, Kingston Bagpuize, [email protected] Phone: (01865) 820385 Mobile: 07747 460905 [email protected] Phone: (01844) 260208 Mobile: 07836 374727 These Councillors will be responsible for the decision on these cuts a week on Tuesday. They may still not have grasped the full effect these changes will have on your lives, the lives of others and the quality of educational provision in their district. For people in other locations contacting your Councillor is just as important as they can influence these decision-makers. You can find their contact details by following the link below. Thank you.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 11:11:57 +0000

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