Want to know what its like in my mind? Find you a small room - TopicsExpress


Want to know what its like in my mind? Find you a small room and put every device you own in that room...including a few TVs; each on a different channel (the NEWS, TALK SHOWS, (Jerry Springer for instance; a VERY GOOD example) & whatever is on TBN, and add a show or two like Supernatural, add a few radio stations, and make sure your computer is in there. Turn on your washer and dryer, and anything else that will generate more NOISE. Get you a couple of devices like MP3 players, and put an ear bud from both in each ear. Make sure they all at an audible level, but some louder than others. Then make sure you have every friend, and family member, and preacher you know giving you advice on what you ought to be doing....and of course a few cops, judges, social workers; and we cant forget the psychiatrist, psychologists, counselors, therapists, doctors....each with his/her OWN OPINION of how things SHOULD be done.... Then you have POLITICIANS of course; knocking on your door, or calling you with those electronic phone calls (which reminds me of all those OTHER electronic phone calls), and all that JUNK MAIL that MUST be delivered or there WILL be consequences!!!!! OH YEAH! and we cant forget all the CHARITIES, and the preachers who tell you you cant get to heaven without sending them some money. Then of course you have your bills to pay...yep we need a more expensive way of heating and cooling the house....gotta make SACRIFICES in order to SAVE THE PLANET!!!!! I could go on....and on....and on.... THEN you have those WORLDLY LABELS such as; schizo, bipolar, obsessive compulsive.....and those who get to point where they can only say: SHIT HAPPENS!!!!!!!! And NEVER DOUBT that there REALLY ARE people in this WORLD that DO HEAR ALL THIS CRAP...ALL DAY...ALL NIGHT...24/7....THOSE IN [DARKNESS], THOSE ON THAT BROAD WAY TO [DESTRUCTION]....those AFFLICTED SOULS; those SET BEFORE THE TORMENTORS....the ones who have been ACCUSED TO THE FATHER, as if WE cant ACCUSE one another enough right here on earth, we have to take it to GOD too.... Only a bunch of foolish idiots would think they needed CLINICAL STUDIES to know what MAKES PEOPLE CRAZY! Watch the damn TV for a while, it SHOULD tell you EVERYTHING YOU NEEDED TO KNOW! Then it all starts again.... AND THE [EFFECT] OF [RIGHTEOUSNESS; not self righteousness] IS [PEACE]. The things of the [flesh] are [flesh], the things of the Spirit are spirit. GOD [IS] A [SPIRIT]. My apologies to those who refuse to DESTROY, and ONLY HELP people, and are as caught up in the bullshit as the rest of us. I watched a little of John Stossels show on how to raise children, and thought I would repost this.... [YOU GUYS] ARE DRIVING US [CRAZY]!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 11:51:25 +0000

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