Want to loose some weight very healthier and in a balanced - TopicsExpress


Want to loose some weight very healthier and in a balanced way? What is the Clean 9? It is our 9 day plan whereby your body is gently cleansed of harmful chemicals and built up waste matter (quite gross but its not doing any good sitting there and you can lose 3-8kg just from shifting that build up!!.) The 1st 2 days require will power like any other diet! You only have whats provided in the pack, plus skimmed milk, and NO food for the 1st 2 days, however, you do have a thick nutritious, filling, vanilla or chocolate shake - so its not like you have nothing! The shake contains all the right balance of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and proteins that you need to ensure that you are totally supported nutritionally throughout. The initial ‘cleanse’ is a result of drinking a small amount of pure Aloe Vera Gel drink 4 times per day, which again is packed with over 78 nutrients naturally and allows the body to detoxify gently whilst cleaning your insides - promoting a healthy gut and regulating/boosting your metabolism. During these first 2 days your body is forced to draw upon the stores of fat in your body for energy, thus resulting in weight loss and inch loss. Days 3-9 are simliar to days 1 and 2 but with the addition of a 600 Calorie Meal per day – which is actually quite a lot for one meal! You get a booklet containing lots of recipe/meal suggestions and a CALORIE COUNTER to make it easy. The plan also contains 2 supplements to help you cope. ‘Garcinia Plus’, which helps to burn the existing Fats in the body,quell the appetite and reduce cravings so that you dont feel like you need to snack or binge. N.B The least common thing that people feel on Clean 9 is hunger! The other supplement is Bee Pollen which is a nutritional super food in itself boasting a mega dose of vitamins and minerals to give you a boost. Bee pollen has been nick named legal speed due to its super energy giving qualities! (30 mins of exercise per day is recommended, even if it’s a walk!) The plan comes with a complete guide and meal planner and you would have my total support throughout. I would contact you regularly to ensure you are doing well and that you are on track to hit your weight loss goal. You would have my contact number too. The plan enables you too safety loose WEIGHT of around 3-8kg and ARM,WAIST,HIP,THIGH and CHEST body parts will be reduced in a balance manner also. It is endorsed by doctors as a sensible safe plan and is nutritionally sound thanks to it being developed by a nutritionists.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 06:18:33 +0000

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