Want to thank everyone for their wishes. Wanted to do each of you - TopicsExpress


Want to thank everyone for their wishes. Wanted to do each of you individually (not that way) but with anesthetic wearing off and lack of sleep (being woken up at 5am for blood pressure check) I`m pretty wacked. Specialist said the op was a success, but its still to early yet to see if my heart stays in normal (sinus node) rhythm. Have some fluid on my heart so may need it drained. (Cant wait for that)! Got a huge black bruise on top of my leg where Cathereter was inserted, and heartburn from hell where the probe burned away some of my heart tissue. Cant drive until Monday so looks like a Star Wars day. Thanks George for sussing out the bus network and coming to visit me, even if I was almost out of it. (Forgotten what that felt like). Fingers crossed for next beer festival
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 11:07:54 +0000

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