Wanted to follow up with all of those who participated in our - TopicsExpress


Wanted to follow up with all of those who participated in our social media blast night the other night when we advocated to our Federal officials, last Thursday I received a call from an aide to Senator Schumer, today I received an email with the Senators response to the issues we raised, they are below. Thanks to everyone who participated, we know that both nights had an impact as we heard from both State and Federal officials regarding this method of advocacy. You will see the advocacy points followed by his response to each item: 1. Reauthorize Elementary and Secondary Education Act and remove failed policies such as No Child Left Behind. Senator Schumer is dedicated to reauthorizing the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The time is well over due to give our states and districts some certainty in the parameters they should follow to educate our children. Last year, the Senate HELP committee passed a version of the Elementary and Secondary Education Reauthorization Act, which: o Fixes the one-size-fits-all approach created by the No Child Left Behind Act. You’ve seen from your own eyes, no child is the same and we need diverse approaches to ensure that none are left behind. o Keeps every student on track each year of school, ensures they get their high school diploma knowing they are ready for college and/or a career – this is critical to America’s competitiveness. o This bill offers additional support and professional development opportunities for teachers and principals, and puts an emphasis on recruiting and preparing teachers for high-need subjects like math and science. o Helps more schools provide our students with a well-rounded education, balancing math, science and history, with music, art and physical education. o The bill supports student success by promoting safe and healthy schools – ones that are drug free AND gun free. o It prepares teachers to teach a more diverse generation of Americans - students with disabilities and those learning English as a second language. It is essential that we get the law reauthorized. It will grow our middle class, acting as a springboard for students and families who struggle to reach it. 2. Fund Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. as required by law. The law states that the State should fund 40%. Current levels are less than 15%. 3. Title One funding needs to be increased. Schools are hurting due to sequestration and the Senator has been working with his colleagues to inject federal funding back into our schools and heal the wounds of harmful cuts. In the FY14 appropriations bill that we passed in January, the Senator was able to put some money back into some of these previously cut but key programs. The Senator knows it’s not enough, but it’s a step in the right direction and he’ll continue to fight in FY15 – that process starts soon. Core programs like Title I and IDEA, which have served the highest need students and districts, were given some additional funds to try and stop the bleeding. And despite all the gridlock in Congress, we were able to agree to provide an additional $1 billion, that’s ONE BILLION DOLLARS, to the Head Start program. That money will make sure that all children who show up to your doors will be ready and able to learn. 4. Get away from grant funding programs and increase formula-based funding. I am a firm believer that if you want to mandate it-then fund it. Do not put more strain on local communities. Especially those like ours which is a high need low wealth community. #Floyd #fairshare Local schools and districts need flexibility and not new unfunded mandates. Our teachers need professional development and resources invested in them so they can continue to invest in our students. And we know that our students need options and the curriculum that will challenge them and prepare them for our current job market.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:04:26 +0000

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