Wanted to thank you all for praying for me today; we just got home - TopicsExpress


Wanted to thank you all for praying for me today; we just got home from Chemo #2 Session…. All went very smoothly. Wonderful news was that my WBC (white blood cell count) was NORMAL (my body had fully recovered!). So, I did not even remotely need that nasty shot to stimulate my bone marrow!!! I do need prayer for my platelets; they are low, but not so low that I could receive the treatment (they are your blood clotting factor). Please pray that they would not continue to drop and would recover to normal as well. They were shocked that I had started Mt. biking again, and almost read on the expression of the nurse practitioner a look a pity (It seemed she was thinking ‘poor lady, she is so encouraged, only to get her hopes and dreams shattered again later....’) I am not positive she was thinking that, but I am usually pretty good at reading people’s expressions, and I would bet that was exactly what was going through her mind… Anyway, I thought to myself as I was looking at her expression, “I don’t care if you don’t believe for a healing, I do, and I don’t except your thoughts and opinion as TRUTH!” The Dr. told me not to even bother coming back until my next chemo round (3 weeks!), unless a problem arises!!!!! Yeah! The chemo center scheduled me for my next chemo and then scheduled me for a another app’t for the day after the chemo to get the bone marrow stimulating shot…. I said, “Hey, wait a second, why are you doing that?????” She said, “Well almost everyone needs that after round 3, so it is better to just schedule it now.” I do not accept that! So, as before, would you please pray that my blood counts would be so good that I would not need that!! Tonight I feel like I have literally been poisoned (which I have ;) ), which is a bit discouraging after feeling so GREAT the past 2 weeks… However I am sure this will pass, especially with all of you praying!!! Appreciate your prayers that the chemo would continue to accurately target the cancer cells, regardless of where they are hiding, and that God would protect all of my healthy cells…. Thank you, and blessings upon you and your family! Cinda and Bob
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 00:06:21 +0000

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