Wanting to make Heaven after your sojourn here on earth? You may - TopicsExpress


Wanting to make Heaven after your sojourn here on earth? You may need to listen to this story. A sister in the lord met me with this short piece at my Kaduna residence by December 24th 2005. She said a member of a church of about 2,000 was visited by heaven. He was asked whether he knew the number of the people that were attending the church and after some moments of time, the total number of people that attend the church was estimated to be up to 2,000 by the two sides. Soon after, heaven gave him the shocker of his life by letting this brother to know that, out of the number that attend this church of 2,000, only 500 are with Him God and out of these 500 that are with Him God, only 200 are going to heaven with him the Most High at the end of their sojourn here on earth. This disclosure got me destabilized in many ways (1) If only 200 are going to heaven with the lord what happens to the remaining 1,800 and what are they doing in the church? It is either they are not serious with the main reason of going to church which is to make heaven or they have put other reasons of going to church which could be earthly uppermost in their minds. Again, if it is 200 that will be going to heaven out of the 2,000 it means that the remaining 1800 are going to destruction which to me is a great disaster for these affected 1,800 do not even realize that they are on the path of destruction which may eventually happen except they are told either by heaven or by a messenger of heaven. (2) Another amazing disclosure I got from this encounter when I was ruminating what must have happened why this 1,800 are not even concerned about what will be their end and why somebody is not involved to let them know what will befall them before it can be too late for them to make amendment into their life in order to make them to avoid going to destruction. Then the lady went further to tell me something about this 1,800 that the spirit of the Lord said He added them to the church so as to assist the man of God in doing his assignment of carrying the gospel round the world. (3) Another thing I couldn’t fathom very well is that how can 500 out of the 2000 that are now with God will eventually be left with 200 that will be making it in going to heaven at the end and It means also that the 300 that will be dropped in the final selection must have been either treading now on the path that will make them miss out at the end, just like the five foolish virgins of the book of Mathew 25:1-13 missed out although the bible had already told us that righteous are going to be scarcely saved “And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear 1Peter 4:18.” The verse 19 of the same chapter 1Peter 4:18 reveals the significance of how we Christians that are born again and filled with Holy Ghost should allow ‘’suffering’’ as part of our salvation package from God but this is the path that many Christians detest very greatly, to have with their own salvation package and this they have done and some are still doing it to their own destruction because our life experience on this planet earth is very transient compared with the life after this world which is eternal. It is better therefore to find ourselves suffering with the lord here on earth and make heaven with him in his glorification as the scripture has told us to do. 1 Peter 4:19 says, “wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful creator” also 1 Peter 2:21-24 says, for even here unto were ye called; because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his step; who did no sin, neither was guile in his mouth; who when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously; who his own self bear our sins in his body on the tree that we being dead to sins, should leave unto righteousness; by who stripes ye were healed. There is none of us that our faith will not be tested to prove to heaven whether our faith is focused on kingdom pursuits or on things of this world. This is why the sculpture is enjoining us in Col 3; 1-4 “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory? This is where most Christians are missing it for they want to get what they want first before they seek the kingdom or before they think of obeying God and this is against what the lord told us in Matthew 6:33. Any step of Christianity in this manner will make one’s Christianity to be a ‘reject’ of heaven no matter the level of achievement in that person’s services even in His kingdom and I guess, this must have been part of the reasons why the 300 out of the initial 500 that were with God will be dropped at the end of their journey in life if they don’t make amendment to their ways now before it is too late. For heaven is meant for those that are ready always to make God to be true and all men be liars Romans 3:4 (4) The group is 1,500 who are in the church and they are not with the lord is another group that worries’ my mind because we have this group in every churches in the whole world who do not know that they need to be with God and not just going to church without being with God. The question I always ask myself is this, how can some people go to any church and they will not want to be with the lord? It is either they are ignorant of the fact that they need to give their life to God to keep for them, or they are forced to go there in the first instance because of earthly desires of things like who to marry, what to eat or when they die they could get somebody to bury them. God want the people that love him come to him even into his house where He dwells and that is why He says I love those that love me and they that seek him well shall find him (Proverb 8:17) even in this world we visit the house that those we love whether as boyfriend or girlfriend and many of these people will not want to go to church where God says in dwells. Some of those people that claim that they go to church, might have even gone there become of contract or to be close an important personality who could give them access to employment opportunities. Did the Bible not say we should seek first the kingdom of God and all his righteousness and all other things shall be added to us. Mathew 6:33 There are some of these people who are comfortable by just being a member of a system and they are mostly “Sunday, Sunday Christians”. They are not bothered about the need for them to attempt Bible study class of the church they claim to be attending and neither will they bother to attend prayer meetings of the same church where they will be trained on how to wrestle with the forces of darkness that are ever ready to disturb their quest of making it to that exalted place called heaven (Ephesians 6:10-18). My prayer is that God will open the eyes of most people that are in various churches who are not serious with God to see the need to be serious with God and his church now for them to be able to make that heaven for there is no other way and that way we should know is a very narrow way. (Matthew 7:13-14) Apostle Peter is talking to us in 1 peter 4:7 “ But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer “ My prayer is that God of heaven will help all of us to find out which of the classes, highlighted in this vision/prophecy given by heaven above to us, that we all belong to and for us to make amendments to our ways of serving this God in righteousness and holiness with spot nor wrinkle before it is too late. And for you who are not going to church at all, I pray that God will make you to see the reason why you should start going to a living church where God will want everybody to belong so that we can make that place together for there is no other way given amendment whereby one can be saved Act 4:12. For those people that will want to enjoy this life to the maxim instead of finding time to seek for God now before it is too late I want to share with you the experience of King Solomon of the bible who enjoyed this life in its fullness but at the end he says vanity upon vanity, all is vanity. God bless you. MATTERS ARISING The news that our senate has approved the continuous entrenchment of girl child marriage in our 1999 Constitution is misnomer, disturbing and embarrassing. It is as if we don’t have more than enough minds in the Upper house of the National Assembly who can say no to such a barbaric clause in our constitution. A situation where motions are passed in the Senate because of religions sentiment is not the best for a country like Nigeria. Although, there are discordant tunes about this exercise, some of these views aired by some of these voices include; (1) A Senator of the Federal Republic was quoted recently saying he can even marry out his six years old daughter and that should be nobody business according to him. To this senator I want him to know that if he were a Christian he will not think like this as the bible makes us to believe that if a person knows how to eat something and his neighbor is offended at such he should not eat it since his eating it will offend that neighbor of his. So I want my learned senator to know that if he should marry his six years old daughter or his thirteen years old daughter out in marriage somebody like me in person will be offended including Many others that think like me and because some of us who were follow Nigerians like him will be offended as such he should not do such to any of his daughters and if he does so he is not walking in love which the Bible enjoins us all to walk in love with our neighbors . However, one lesson this has taught me is that this step that our Senators had taken has been made possible because of the Islamic sentiment that had overtaken the minds of most of our Senators and another thing this had taught me is that it had only laid credence to what the Spirit of God told me of Islamic spirits being the most dangerous spirit in the world! I cannot just fathom the wisdom behind how a person that is sane upstairs will think of marrying out his or her thirteen year old daughter. It is animalistic and barbaric, for only a highly uncivilized mind will embrace such a law in our constitution. (2)Another comment about this dastardly step made by our Senators is from an Islamic Cleric from Oyo State, Nigeria. Here the Islamic Cleric says the people that are clamoring for these laws are not Imams and neither are they Islamic Scholars. The cleric said further that Prophet of Islam that had a thirteen year old girl that he wanted to marry during his days, had to keep the girl with the parents of the girl for the girl to be trained until the girl attained the age of 18years. So it is not that the prophet married the girl at thirteen. (3)Another Senator of the Nigerian federal house of Assembly from Ekiti State was recently being quoted to have apologized, wept and prostrated to his people for voting no instead of voting yes when the question arose whether they should expunge such a clause that appear to have encouraged early marriage for our female Children. I need to let this Senator to know that his people voted him to represent their wishes and not for him to get to the Senate and for him to start entertaining the fear whether there will be trouble in the senate or not for voting yes in such a case like this. (4)Another friend of mine in the person of one brother Lateef came up with his own evaluation of the Senate voting of No as to whether the clause should be expunped or not. He said laws like this are being entrenched into our constitution to cover some of the shady deals of our leaders who like playing with small, small girls of thirteen year old around the corners. The question I often ask is that what are they even touching in the body of a thirteen year old, whose breast is just trying to come out, that the 22year old cannot do better? The message I want our leaders who are making laws for us to know is that there is a need to respect the views of the bible which says there is time for everything under heaven, a time to be born and a time to die (Ecl 3;1-8). It also means there must also be the time for our girls to get married. There is a time of childhood and there is also a time for the parent of all of our children to train their children before they are sent to their husband house. (5)The last of the views to be aired here is a deduction based on the views expressed by Heaven about Islam which has been the basis of a law like this. In the revelation I said earlier on this subject about the revelation of heaven to me and another brother in Christ about how Islamic Sprits are the most dangerous Spirits. This revelation came to me in a prophecy the Lord gave to me in my Kaduna home at Angva Rimi Nigeria after some evangelical outreach I had for six months in an Islamic dominated cities of the middle belt states of Nigeria. Here the Spirit of God met me with this prophecy through this my other brother and was asking me “Is there any spirit that is more dangerous than Islamic Spirits?” The Spirit of God was putting this question to me all in the quest of His trying to advice me in asking me to know how to handle the missionary work in a place like that better. So if anybody has not known this as the view of heaven concerning Islam they should please know this, that there is no spirit that is more dangerous than Islamic spirit on the surface of the earth. THE EFECT OF THE DANGEROUS NATURE OF ISLAMIC SPIRITS The effect of the dangerous nature of Islamic Sprit has been evidenced by the rigid defense of the under-age marriage clause in the Nigerian constitution by prominent northern (and Islamic) Senators and clerics. While we are thanking God that the awareness of putting a stop to street begging is rising in the Core North for instance with kano State planning to see the end of Almajinch which the government has started to see the system as an eye saw, which is a great deliverance for the small, small boys of age 7 – 14 wasting away through the Almajinchi, the live of our young, young girls of age 17 downward is being threatened by this clause that the Senate of the federal republic of Nigeria has refused to expunge from our constitution. When a girl of 13 is put into Womanhood when she is still a child, it means a child will be mothering a child when she gives birth to another child and that should not be allowed to happen in the polity for it is a misnomer and dangerous trend to the kind of Value System that we want our youth to imbibe as a country. It is going to be a serious Vision killer when our children are subjected to such a high level of being a victim of intimidation of the man who will probably be richer and far older than them. Another dangerous effect of Islam is evidenced by the incidences of wars and War situations in places like Syria, Iraq, Iran , Afghanistan, Pakistan, Mali and North Eastern Nigeria States of Yobe and Borno States to mention a few. These are signs that Islam cannot give a perfect system of governance that is devoid of violence. Jesus told us in Mathew 5:48 that we should be perfect as our heavenly father is perfect. And it is only in Jesus that no sin is found and it is only him that is worthy to be followed in governance and in worship. Another dangerous effect of Islam is in encouraging polygamous life that many people indulged in because of their covetousness. What I want people to know is that in every polygamous home there are victims and the victim in most cases is the first wife or any of the women who cannot practices the use of charms or voodoo that can charm the husband. It is wickedness and God does not support such even in the end of the age like this. I will counsel our Senators to please endeavor to do what is right at all times in remodeling a new Constitution for us and I will beg them to please remove this clause from the constitution of our great country Nigeria, as this will help the government not to be diverting the money that is meant for training these children in schools into areas of establishing new Vascular Vagina fluid (VVF) centre to take care of the fall out of the effect of such a wicked clause in our constitution. With these submissions of mine I pray that any part of our constitution that is not neat for anybody to behold and say well done to Nigeria should be expunged from our constitution. PROPHECY FOR NIGERIA FOR NOW PROPHECY There is no more war in Nigeria saith the Spirit of the Lord. But I the lord will kill many prominent people from North to South and East to West in the land saith the Spirit of the lord. (October 1, 1998). This prophecy came to us in our Kaduna residence through my working colleague, Pastor/Evangelist Joseph Bako. I want let all and sundry to know that God of heaven has been in control of Nigeria and as He has said there is no more war, it means there is no more war. There is no way anybody can stop the devil and his agents from doing their ministry but to the lovers of God in the country and in the whole world I will counsel you to let God be true and all men be liars( Rom 3;4). God Bless Nigeria
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 15:04:00 +0000

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