Wants her cake and to eat it to. But let me explain what Im sayn. - TopicsExpress


Wants her cake and to eat it to. But let me explain what Im sayn. I never understood this line in the negative. Typically its used to illustrate a cheater, but why wouldnt you want to eat the cake to? So you want your cake, so are you spose to just look at the cake and not eat it? So let me explain my idea of wanting my cake and eatn it to (me and my co worker was jus ctfu bot my answer but I was being dead serious). We were watchn a show where the man was the stay at home type. He enjoyed fathering, he was the neater one out of the couple so he kept the house in order, he cooked, he of course made love to his wife;) but she was the bread winner and he wasnt intimidated by that, in fact he supported her while she got her degree. They hadnt gotn married planing to divorce so it wasnt a matter of him being lazy, she enjoyed workn hard and she loved her career. That was wat she wanted to do with her life. So I said- yea thats my dream life boo, my cake and eatn it to. My co worker said- uhn uhn Dat wouldnt be enough for me, wat if he cheats cause he has all that time on his hands. I said- or wat if he loves and cherishes her and his family and is attentive to them to the end? Just goes to show the different perspectives in life. Now he also built on their house, did his creative things as well, showed his sons how to build engines to classic cars. Man thats my cake and eatn it to;) swear I could give him forever as we spoil each other in our dream rolls. But thats just me:)
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 06:45:58 +0000

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