War Against The Idols: The Reformation of Worship From Erasmus to - TopicsExpress


War Against The Idols: The Reformation of Worship From Erasmus to John Calvin (Separation from Idolatry) sermonaudio/new_details3.asp?ID=19130 *** CYBER MONDAY SUPER SALE ON NOW! *** ow.ly/fPY4o - ow.ly/EjMBI - ow.ly/EjMs7 ow.ly/fPY4o Extra 25% off all USB Puritan Hard Drives (PHDs) until Monday, December 1/14, at 11:59PM (ET). For example, just $298.48 (down from $397.97) for two PHDs (using the 2 for 1 option)! Free shipping worldwide too! Click here for more information & sale prices on all PHD-USB versions. ow.ly/fPY4o $97.97 PURITAN HARD DRIVE SALE RENEWED DUE TO OVERWHELMING RESPONSE! ow.ly/EjMBI $200 OFF THE PURITAN HARD DRIVE (NOW JUST $97.97, DOWNLOADABLE PHD-ODE) TO THE END OF MONDAY, DECEMBER 1/14. ow.ly/EjMBI WAS $297.97, NOW, FOR A SHORT TIME, JUST $97.97! (WINDOWS ow.ly/EjMBI) (MAC ow.ly/EjMs7) LOWEST PRICE EVER FOR THE DOWNLOADABLE EDITION! ow.ly/EjMBI All Puritan Hard Drive Reviews bit.ly/c5MGjL Reformation Required Without Delay by John Calvin swrb/newslett/actualNLs/NRC_ch04.htm Apostolic Presbyterianism by William Cunningham and Dr. Reg Barrow swrb/newslett/actualNLs/apopresby.htm Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them (Rom. 16:17, KJV). Worship: The Regulative Principle of Worship in History by Dr. Reg Barrow swrb/newslett/actualnls/CRTPWors.htm Psalm Singing in Scripture & History by Dr. Reg Barrow swrb/newslett/actualnls/CRTPWors.htm Martin Luther and Psalm Singing by David Steele Did Luther and the Reformation Lutherans practice exclusive Psalmody? What about Luthers hymns? Where and when were they used? ANSWERS HERE. swrb/newslett/actualNLs/lutherps.htm Exclusive Psalmody (FREE Online Scottish Metrical Psalter, With Notes By John Brown Of Haddington, Here Too!) swrb/newslett/FREEBOOK/RefWorsh.htm Because the Churches take not care, that Ministers be savoury and gracious; from Steermen all Apostasie and rottenness begin. O if the Lord would arise and purge his House in Scotland! As for Church-members, they ought to be holy; and though all baptized be actu primo members, yet such as remain habitually ignorant after admonition, are to be cast out, and though they be not cast out certainly, as paralytick or rottened members cannot discharge the functions of life: So those that are scandalous, ignorant, malignant, unsound in faith, lose their rights of Suffrages in election of Officers, and are to be debarred from the Seals. Nor can we defend our sinful practise in this: it were our wisdom to repent of our taking in the Malignant party, who shed the blood of the people of God, and obstructed the work of God, into places of Trust in the Church State, and the Army, contrary to our Covenants, they continuing still Enemies - Samuel Rutherford, Survey of the Survey, p. 373, on the Puritan Hard Drive at ow.ly/fPY4o. What Is A Moral Person? How God Views the Church and the Nations by David Scott, John Cunningham, and George Smeaton swrb/newslett/actualNLs/moral.htm Presbyterian Worship: Old and New by Kevin Reed swrb/newslett/actualnls/FrameWor.htm SUMMARY: A Review and Commentary upon Worship in Spirit and Truth, a book by John Frame. Reed shows how Frame has abandoned the Reformation, both scripturally and confessionally, in regard to worship. He also gives an excellent summary of historic Reformed views and then contrasts them with the novel ideas now being touted by Frame. swrb/newslett/actualnls/FrameWor.htm Would John Calvin Excommunicate John Frame and James Jordan? by Dr. Reg Barrow swrb/newslett/actualNLs/frameexc.htm As Jim Dodson notes, in his Open Letter to an RPCNA Elder, one should not confuse schism with separation. They are not the same thing. John Brown, of Haddington, states, that schism in scripture, chiefly, if not solely, represents alienation of affection, and disagreement among those who continue the same joint attendance on the ordinances of the gospel, 1 Cor. 12:25; 1:10. Augustine said, It is not a different faith makes schismatics, but a broken society of communion. In no place, in the Bible, does the word schism appear to signify visible separation. Error in doctrine, corruption in worship and tyranny in discipline, render separation unavoidable, to escape the sin of schism. Your conception of what constitutes schism is that of Rome. If schism is separation; and There is no precedent for schism [re: separation] in the Bible; then, on what basis did Protestants leave Rome? Every Reformer owned that Rome is, in some sense, a Church of Christ. After all, that man of sin is seated in the temple of God, as they taught. - Cited in Dr. Reg Barrows John Calvin, Close Communion, Covenanting and the Coming Reformation (Covenanted Reformation) at swrb/newslett/actualNLs/calvincc.htm. Dodsons An Open Letter Rebuking A Teaching Elder In The Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA) is at puritandownloads/an-open-letter-rebuking-a-teaching-elder-in-the-reformed-presbyterian-church-of-north-america-rpcna-by-jim-dodson-jim-dodson-versus-the-rpcna-jim-dodsons-follow-up-letter-reformation-principles-re-exhibited-and-other-works/ An Open Letter Rebuking A Teaching Elder In The Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA) By Jim Dodson, Jim Dodson Versus The RPCNA (Jim Dodsons Follow-Up Letter), Reformation Principles Re-Exhibited (The Backsliding Of The RPCNA Documented) By Greg Barrow, The Covenanted Reformation Defended Against Contemporary Schismatics By Greg Barrow, and Other Covenanter and Reformed MP3s, Books and Videos By Samuel Rutherford, Greg Price, George Gillespie, David Steele, Dr. Reg Barrow and Others (Free Online Reformed Presbyterian Books, Covenanter Articles and Presbyterian MP3s) puritandownloads/an-open-letter-rebuking-a-teaching-elder-in-the-reformed-presbyterian-church-of-north-america-rpcna-by-jim-dodson-jim-dodson-versus-the-rpcna-jim-dodsons-follow-up-letter-reformation-principles-re-exhibited-and-other-works/ Jim Dodson Versus the RPCNA (Follow-Up To the Letter Above) swrb/newslett/actualNLs/dodvsrpcna.htm Reformation Principles Re-Exhibited: An Historical Witness and Brotherly Entreaty - Summary and Analysis of Changes within Terms of Communion of the Reformed Presbyterian Churches of Scotland and America from 1761 to the Present, and a Particular Analysis and Testimony Against the Present Day RPCNA by Greg Barrow and Larry Birger, Jr. (Free Online Book) reformedpresbytery.org/books/rpcna/rpcna.htm SABBATH, OR SUNDAY by David Steele (1882) covenanter.org/Steele/sabbath.htm IF YOU NEGLECT DAILY FAMILY WORSHIP YOUR ELDERS SHOULD SUSPEND AND DEBAR YOU FROM THE LORDS SUPPER sermonaudio/new_details3.asp?ID=23104 Instrumental Music in Public Worship in the Old Testament (and the Second Commandment In Covenanter, Puritan and Reformed Worship) by Greg Price (Free MP3 and Video) sermonaudio/sermoninfo.asp?SID=49011531 Instrumental Music in Public Worship in the New Testament (and the Second Commandment In Covenanter, Puritan and Reformed Worship) by Greg Price (Free MP3 and Video) sermonaudio/sermoninfo.asp?SID=4160105550 Instrumental Music in Public Worship: The Views of John Calvin, History Surrounding the Westminster Assembly, The Heresy of Instrumental Music in Public Worship swrb/newslett/actualNLs/instcalv.htm ________________ Instrumental Music in Public Worship: The Views of John Calvin To sing the praises of God upon the harp and psaltery, says Calvin, unquestionably formed a part of the training of the law and of the service of God under that dispensation of shadows and figures, but they are not now to be used in public thanksgiving.1 He says again: With respect to the tabret, harp, and psaltery, we have formerly observed, and will find it necessary afterwards to repeat the same remark, that the Levites, under the law, were justified in making use of instrumental music in the worship of God; it having been his will to train his people, while they were yet tender and like children, by such rudiments until the coming of Christ. But now, when the clear light of the gospel has dissipated the shadows of the law and taught us that God is to be served in a simpler form, it would be to act a foolish and mistaken part to imitate that which the prophet enjoined only upon those of his own time.2 He further observes: We are to remember that the worship of God was never understood to consist in such outward services, which were only necessary to help forward a people as yet weak and rude in knowledge in the spiritual worship of God. A difference is to be observed in this respect between his people under the Old and under the New Testament; for now that Christ has appeared, and the church has reached full age, it were only to bury the light of the gospel should we introduce the shadows of a departed dispensation. >From this it appears that the Papists, as I shall have occasion to show elsewhere, in employing instrumental music cannot be said so much to imitate the practice of Gods ancient people as to ape it in a senseless and absurd manner, exhibiting a silly delight in that worship of the Old Testament which was figurative and terminated with the gospel.3 ENDNOTES: 1. On Ps. lxxi. 22. 2. On Ps. lxxxi. 3. 3. On Ps. xcii. 1. FROM: INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC IN THE PUBLIC WORSHIP OF THE CHURCH By John L. Girardeau (Still Waters Revival Books, [1888] 2000), pp. 63, 64, on the Puritan Hard Drive at PuritanDownloads/swrb-puritan-hard-drive.html. _________ FREE AUDIO BOOK: INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC IN THE WORSHIP OF THE CHURCH by John Lafayette Girardeau (1825-1898) sermonaudio/go/148354 FREE ONLINE BOOK: INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC IN THE WORSHIP OF THE CHURCH by John Lafayette Girardeau (1825-1898) covenanter.org/Girardeau/Instrumental/instrumentalmusic.htm Dr. Girardeau has defended the old usage of our church with a moral courage, loyalty to truth, clearness of reasoning and wealth of learning which should make every true Presbyterian proud of him, whether he adopts his conclusions or not. The framework of his argument is this: it begins with that vital truth which no Presbyterian can discard without a square desertion of our principles. The man who contests this first premise had better set out at once for Rome: God is to be worshipped only in the ways appointed in His Word. Every act of public cultus not positively enjoined by Him is thereby forbidden. Christ and His apostles ordained the musical worship of the New Dispensation without any sort of musical instrument, enjoining only the singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Hence such instruments are excluded from Christian worship. Such has been the creed of all churches, and in all ages, except for the Popish communion after it had reached the nadir of its corruption at the end of the thirteenth century, and of its prelatic imitators. - R.L. Dabneys Review of Girardeaus Instrumental Music in Public Worship (1889) Excerpted from The Presbyterian Quarterly (July, 1889, no. 9). puritandownloads/dabneys-review-of-girardeaus-instrumental-music-in-public-worship-1889-by-robert-lewis-dabney/ _________ 600+ FREE MP3s by Greg Price sermonaudio/go/29065 FREE SWRB ANDROID APP puritandownloads/free-swrb-android-app/ FREE SWRB iPHONE APP puritandownloads/free-swrb-iphone-app/ MANY FREE PURITAN AND REFORMATION MP3 AUDIO SERMONS AND AUDIO BOOKS puritandownloads/free-puritan-reformation-mp3-audio-sermons-books/ Another Massive SWRB Listing Of Free Puritan and Reformation Books, MP3s, Articles, Debates, Videos and Much More At swrb swrb/newslett/newslett.htm ow.ly/Bcw28 Calvin, Close Communion and the Coming Reformation (a book review of Alexander and Rufus... by John Anderson [1862]) by Dr. Reg Barrow (Shows how John Calvin practiced close communion and how the biblical view of this ordinance is intended to purify the individual, church and state. Refutes the Popish and paedocommunion heresies (regarding this sacrament), as well as all views of open communion. This is Reformation History Notes number two.) swrb/newslett/actualnls/CalvinCC.htm
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 14:43:41 +0000

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