War At The Gate: The Nation Falls Shortly My zeal won’t let - TopicsExpress


War At The Gate: The Nation Falls Shortly My zeal won’t let me turn deaf ears to daily news. I am so much pained by the country’s predicaments. I write this as a little piece of warning and also as an open letter to the President and Nigerians altogether. Nigeria is like Jerusalem. She has endured successive conquests of clueless dictators and now is weary. I see daily weeping and wailing across the country and I wonder what the man without shoes has become. It is easy to assume all is well when at a place of comfort. Mr President, not only in Borno and Benue, there is war at the gate too. The self acclaimed Giant of Africa falls shortly. Rome was not built in a day and didn’t fall in a day. Rome fell because there was tyranny and the power of the sword alone. The officials and tax collectors didn’t care for the people’s good. They laid heavy and unjust taxes on the middle classes. These classes must always be the backbone and support of a nation but in Rome’s last days, they were so oppressed that they failed to exist. The backbone of the nation was gone. So when the barbarian hordes poured over the borders of the empire, Rome fell. Nigeria stands on the edge with tyrannous rule, corruption, injustice and the power in the barrel of the gun. Graduates are given death for jobs. Millions of Nigerians live below $1 a day while proceeds from our natural resources go down the pockets of people in power and individuals aligned with past and present government. They have successively plundered and laundered our treasury with impunity. We thought we found respite in President Goodluck Jonathan. First of all I want to say thank you to Mr. President for showing us his true identity. He forgives unpardonable sins. He has turned into a super god. He pardons the unrepentant criminals without remorse and apology. Assuming the right to hurt our sense of judgment and turning deaf ears to our calls for justice. He rewards evil with good. His milk of kindness flows without boundary. Hail to him god of thieves. Mr President! You pardoned Alameisegha, you made sure Bode George gets a clean sheet and worthy enough to be a delegate for the National Conference. Under your watch and guidance, the murderer of Abiola Kudirat got freedom. You know the sponsors and sympathisers of Boko Haram and yet dine with them. Our $20 billion missing money is yet to be accounted for. Oh! You awarded Abacha. The Corrupt Judge and Chief Auctioneer of judgment Mrs Gladys Olotu recently recommended for compulsory retirement had the effrontery to go to court challenging her suspension. We pray she gets no pardon Sir. Now Mr President, do you honestly believe the masses hate you for criticizing you? With the current situation in the country, would you look in the mirror and say to yourself job well done? I hate to rehearse your numerous mistakes and misdeeds. They are well chronicled for the nearest future. As much as I distance myself from politics, I shall not cease to blow the horn or ring the bell. It is war at the city gate as enemies approach. 2015 is at the corner and the drums of war beat louder. The barbarian hordes approach in ships labelled APC loaded with seasoned thieves. We don’t know who their true leader is. Though tired of being ruled by his Excellency, “The Rewarder of Thieves” President Goodluck Jonathan, we cannot afford the barbarian hordes of APC either. We all trusted the man without shoes to tow a different path from our past inefficient leaders and transform Nigeria but he disappointed us. Perhaps his hands are tied by forces and personalities behind the scene. If all that we have is the APC and PDP come 2015, the nation is hopeless. She falls shortly. What shall avail us of this leadership curse and prevent our fall? After all said and done, no matter the party, personality makes the difference. We do not need the gang and colony of thieves under the umbrella of PDP or the barbarian hordes of broom wielding seasoned thieves approaching in APC labelled warships. We need a worthy Presidential candidate for 2015. We need a J.J Rawlings to hang the first thief and see an end to systemic corruption in our country. We just cannot afford a repeat of the last four years. Anything short of this, we fall. Prince Ken 07035052057 paykenny@inbox
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 06:50:51 +0000

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