War is a Racket, 1935, by Brigadier General Smedley Butler is an - TopicsExpress


War is a Racket, 1935, by Brigadier General Smedley Butler is an interesting read. After 33 years in the Marines and multiple medals of honor Butler called himself a racketeer for Capitalism having helped make China, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Haiti havens for US corporations. The core material is online at ratical.org/ratville/CAH/warisaracket.html and there is a video version on youtube but print versions contain additional material. Many of his ideas for putting an end to war no longer make sense because of advances in technology. But his main idea, eliminating the outrageous profits that companies like Halliburton make on war, could eliminate some of the incentives that keep the racket going.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 05:14:04 +0000

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