War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength - George - TopicsExpress


War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength - George Orwell, 1984 Going to break my once-a-day success quotes to promote worldwide awareness. I hope most of my friends are following the issues that are happening across the world in the former Eastern Block of the Soviet Union. If not, pay attention and read: How many of you know what the Sudetenland was? This was the Northern & Western Regions of Czechoslovakia determined as German Lebensraum. Neville Chamberlain said that appeasing Hitler with this territory was the peace of our time (Sept. 30, 1938 >> WWII began with the invasion of Poland on Sept. 1, 1939). As of today, Russia & Putin has passed a bill determining that the Cremia (peninsula determined to be part of Ukraine) be annexed with Russia. Troops blitzkreiged their way across the Ukranian border and have taken control of the naval ports and military base there. Putin has given the Ukranian government until 3 a.m. GMT to surrender. History has shown that only appeasement to preserve peace buys little time before war is inevitable. Russias mobilization comes not more than a week after Obama approved a bill, which downsized our army to sizes smaller comparable to before WWI. Obama promised there would be consequences if Putin did such actions (nothing has happened == appeasements & vague threats). The EU has condemned these acts of aggression and have given a 48 hour deadline to return their troops to the barracks, before sanctions are brought against them. In WWII, when Japan took control of Manchuria, China, they said they had acted in their own right to take economic, precautionary measures to control interests in the railways that ran through the area (1932). The League of Nations threatened economic sanctions; and as a result, Japan pulled out from the League and pushed farther into China. The fear now is that Russia will invade Poland in the near future (Obama has promised military intervention to prevent this >> breaking down our already crumbling relations and aggravating one more country in a growing list). On top of that, China is in complete agreement with Russia. If there is a disruption in the world balance over this, economies could collapse. This is a very real life game of chess... If we do not learn from historys mistakes, we are bound to repeat them. We as a human race are driving ourselves to extinction through greed and oppression. We should be searching for ways to unite; instead of, dividing. I just pray that things simmer down and everyone comes to their senses. Do not swallow the propaganda forced down our throats to distract us from the real situations at hand. We are in a real world crisis and we must become aware and educated. pravda.ua/rus/news/2014/03/3/7017290/ reuters/article/2014/03/02/us-ukraine-crisis-poland-idUSBREA210KY20140302 dr.dk/Nyheder/Udland/2014/03/03/03152357.htm
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 00:04:07 +0000

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