Warlord Gnaw-Cheddar swished his tail in frustration as the Skaven - TopicsExpress


Warlord Gnaw-Cheddar swished his tail in frustration as the Skaven advance party emerged from the Underway into the sunlit surface. Recent activities by the hated beardlings have caused this part of the subterranean causeway to collapse; and his convoy, which was charged with delivering an important artifact, had to use a surface route instead. As befitting a high ranking leader, his position is at the rear of the Skaven contingent. Accompanied by his bodyguard of elite black-furred Stormvermin, and backed up by arcane warmachines of Clan Skyre, he feared nothing from the surface dwellers, for who can best Skaven engineering and valor? Yet his lieutenant, the sickly looking Plagritch Poxx, kept shuffling uneasily as they made their way through the strange forest which they found themselves in. Gnaw-Cheddar is sure that Poxx is secretly planning some dastardly plot that involves a knife in his back. Yes, that must be it, he absent mindedly stroked his whiskers as he watched Poxx with narrowed eyes. A sudden halt in the convoy interrupted his ruminations. He snarled and saw the reason why. A slender elf-woman of unearthly grace barred their way some five hundred paces away, radiating an aura of fear and awe that is palpable even at this distance. Vines snaked their way through her hair, and she carried a wooden staff of intricate design. Even a non magic user such as Gnaw-Cheddar can feel the waves of power emanating from her. The fact that she was floating several feet from the ground didnt help. She was not alone. Around her were more of the hated elf-things, these were armed with longbows and had their faces obscured by hoods. The color of their raiment was similar to the forest, making them hard to spot if one was not looking for them. Cowards, thought Gnaw-Cheddar, to be using ranged weaponry and hiding behind trees. Then again, lesser races never fight fair when faced against the noble and honorable Skaven master race. Although no words were spoken by both sides, they both know what needs to be done. Gnaw-Cheddar urged his chittering Stormvermin onwards, a rushing horde of unclean fur, halberds raised in a headlong charge. Across the field, black fletched arrows were loosed in accurate volleys, guided by keen eyes, to pierce through flesh and weak spots in armor. And thus battle was joined, as Rat and Elf sought to exterminate each other under the boughs of the Botanical Gardens of Pinang Island....
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 11:17:39 +0000

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