Warlords Games MISSION OBJECTIVE: HALLOWEEN CONTEST TIME FRAME: Tuesday, October 22nd until Thursday, October 31, 2013 - by the end of the day. Lets take a closer look at the war map. Heres your objectives. STUDY YOUR WAR MAP: 1.... Obtain and secure a pumpkin. Any pumpkin, big or small, dented like our helmets or perfect as the setting sun on a glorious day on the battlefield. (If you have one already, well arent you just awesome?! One step ahead makes for a mighty hunter or hunteress. WE LIKE THAT.) 2.... Carve it. Thats right. Carve anything related to our gaming products into that pumpkin with whatever tools you have around. (Be safe, we cant have you losing any digits!) You can be inspired by everything and anything related to Warlords Games. From our comic books to Warhammer, Magic the Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons products,... so on and so forth. Whether it is words or a picture scene or a character face you love, go for it. 3.... Bring it to us for a chance to $ WIN In Store CREDIT $ Proudly return from your artistic siege and we will display it in front of our store so everyone can enjoy and get in the spirit of not only Halloween, but GAMES Games games. Who doesnt love games?! REAP YOUR BOUNTY REWARD: We will have our army of customers vote for 3 WINNERS. Each winner will receive an In Store Credit of $10.00 towards whatever you want here at Warlords Games! Maybe you had your eye on something shiny? Want a little boost to pay for it? Well, what are you waiting for? Get to carving. >:) We look forward to seeing whatever you may bring in.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 04:31:55 +0000

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