Warning --- The following post will contain a rather cynical - TopicsExpress


Warning --- The following post will contain a rather cynical political comment and may be best avoided. If you choose not to, well, you have been forewarned!!! Now that the government shutdown is supposedly over (until January) my question is what has it truly accomplished? What message did our government send to its constituants? I dont agree with Obamacare either. But that does not matter as that battle was fought and lost. It is over. For better or worse for right now we are stuck with it. So our representatives choose to throw a tantrum and shut down our government because they resent the fact that they lost a previous battle? THey cost us billions (yes litterally billions) of dollars for nothing? No one gained by this shut down. Yet many lost. A message was sent to the families of our fallen soldiers that for political reasons we simply cannot honor our financial committment to you, but a charity will and we will reimburse them. Shamefully our congress allowed these fallen heros to be a political bargaining chip. And what about the parks and museums etc., that were closed. So tens of thousands were turned away (including students) from experiencing that which belongs to them as a citizen of this country. How dare theh\y use Yellowstone as a bargaining chip. Or the Smithsonian, or the monuments and memorials. The list goes on and on. The tension created causes a mentally disturbed woman to attempt to crash her vehicle into perhaps the capitol. And though she was unarmed and stopped a very long way from her destination, the most highly trained officers in our nation had to result to lethal force and killed her in front of her infant child instead of arressting her. All of this because congress was throwing a temper tantrum. And what lesson did we send to our students? We demonstrated to them that instead of compromise and consideration for oppsing points of view that the congressional solution is to gain leverage and threaten to do harm to our entire economy because one group could not get their own way. And what example did we provide to the rest of the world? We sure showed them when a small group of pigheaded congressmen determined that they would show their machismo by putting not only our economy at risk, but endangering the economies of many other nations without compunction. They risked food stamps and welfare payments. They risked pension funds and WIC benefits along with Social Security benefits. And while the damage overall was minimal (though several billion dollars were wasted) the very fact that they would put so much at risk for no valid reason with no chance of gaining the victory that the desired over a battle lost long before just demonstrates both their arrogance and ignorance in my opinion. So maybe only one life was lost during this. And to them that life did not count for much as this was a mentally ill woman anyway. But to me they lost so much more then that. They lost every last modicrum of respect that I once held for these elected officials. Shame on them!
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 04:02:06 +0000

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