Warning- rant ahead. - TopicsExpress


Warning- rant ahead. I am flabbergasted at the liberality that people exhibit in telling me what I, as a Christian, must believe. They claim that I must adjust my beliefs, which are based on the principles and teachings of the Bible, to conform to their personal views. I find the brashness and arrogance of this incredulous; nevertheless, they seem to be serious. The best I can reason is that they do not realize that I really believe that the Bible speaks authoritatively as the Word of God. As a follower of Christ my beliefs do not stem from my imagination or sense of morality but from God. This is because I believe that as Creator He is the arbitrator of good and evil. So for me to reject my beliefs, which are based on the Word of God, is to reject my God and my faith. Do they really expect me to do this because they say so? Really? Perhaps what they really mean is- “since there is no God you should not believe the Bible but instead believe what culture says.” The problem with this view is that it is predicated on a premise that there is no God. However, I believe that there is a God and He is the magnanimous, magnificent, and majestic God of the Bible. I have a right to believe this. I have a right to believe things. Do I not? Note to the secularist- You do not have a right to dictate what I believe nor do I have a right to dictate what you believe. Is that not obvious to everyone? God does not even force people to believe things. There are consequences to rejecting God and His ways but He does not force people to believe. I love God and want to evangelize everyone because He loves people. I want to tell people about Go Wild fabrication and Weldingd’s good ways- but they have a freedom given to them by God to disagree with me and reject what I am saying to them. You have a freedom to try to convince me that your beliefs are true or that mine are errant, but you do not have the right to dictate what I think. I will say it again- I have a right to think differently than you. I have a right to choose God’s ways. People will sometimes say, “but God’s ways are so preclusive, that it takes the joy out of life.” This is not the intent of God’s ways. God has given us a standard to live by because it is best for us. Imagine if everyone started living by God’s standards today. There would be no murder, robbery, rape, bullying, or abuse. Equality, mercy, and justice would rule in human interactions. People would look out for others interest before their own resulting in an end to starvation, homelessness, and disenfranchisement. People would tend the planet and the environment would improve. People would care for those in need and treat them with respect. People would work hard and love their families and their neighbors. What is wrong with God’s ways? Nothing- the problem is not God’s ways- the problems in the world stem from conforming to the fickleness of cultural morality. What do I mean? Consider slavery. Christian denominations were torn apart over this issue. Much of faithful Christianity held to the Biblical view on that issue and correctly rejected the practice as a terrible sin. Those who desired to conform to the culture around them rejected Biblical teachings on the subject and said it was an acceptable practice. It is always wrong for Christians to choose to follow culture rather than the teachings of the Bible. Secularist- I will say it again- You have no right to force me to think like you. My mind is free and I have a right to believe what I want. I choose to follow God in loving you even though you have set yourself up as the enemy of my freedom to think and believe what I will.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 21:35:03 +0000

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