Warning! Avoid the tendency to overly complain as well as - TopicsExpress


Warning! Avoid the tendency to overly complain as well as detaching from people who do. Such a tendency is called Chronic Complaining and Stylists who are plagued by it are melodramatic souls who on a daily basis waste enormous energy complaining & blaming others for problems that come with working in a salon. Example: Slow days/gaps in the book are problems that come with growing a clientele, and the worst thing a stylist can do is to sit around complaining it. And here’s why: to waist time complaining about such problems condemns the complainer with getting more of the same. Of course it’s good to talk with encouraging people when you’re frustrated so that they can give you the support you need to take better action. But there’s a big difference between an encouraging conversation and complaining. One leads to explosions in pay and the other leads to staying stuck crap. Yes it takes great courage to stop whining & start winning but for Stylists who possess such courage OMG does the dynamite boom. Like this 4 more #BGTD! Order OTT @summitsalon/products/
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 00:45:00 +0000

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