Warning Children against the Rawafidah From Hamad bin Salamah who - TopicsExpress


Warning Children against the Rawafidah From Hamad bin Salamah who said: I heard Ayyoob saying: ‘Whoever loved Abu Bakr then he has indeed established his Deen, and whoever has loved Umar then he has indeed made the path clear, and whoever loved Uthmaan then he has indeed become enlightened with the light of Allaah and whoever loved Alee then he has held on to a firm handhold which will not break.’ Hamad said: I asked Ayyoob: ‘Should we memorise this?’ He answered: ‘Yes, memorise it, teach it to your children, and your children should teach it to their children.’ [From: ‘Sharh Usool I’tiqaad Ahl-Ul-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah’ – al-Laala’ka’ee (d. 418 A.H.) No. 2333, & Tareekh Dimishq 41/333] 4 – From Jafar bin Muhammad bin Alee who said my father said to me: ‘O my son, indeed cursing Abu Bakr and Umar is from the major sins, so do not pray behind the person who curses them.’ [From: Tareekh Baghdad 9/437 & Tareekh Dimishq 57/224]
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 23:03:07 +0000

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