Warning: Crochety old man post upcoming. First: A big Congrats - TopicsExpress


Warning: Crochety old man post upcoming. First: A big Congrats to Marie Ndiaye for doing Jazz in a Jazz contest! You OWNED IT! Second: Solo Jazz: n. a dance done to swing music of the 30s and 40s without a partner, encompassing many steps such as half breaks, applejacks, shorty george, suzie qs, and other steps, often borrowing influence from earlier vernacular dances such as black bottom, charelston, and tap. With no true basic shape, the dances counts can be unpredictable, but steps often begin on up beats, (*even beats) CHarleston: n. A dance craze of the 20s, performed to early jazz (trad jazz) often associated with flappers. Danced primarily in 8 counts, the dance often starts on count 1 and consists of taps, steps and kicks, along with an iconic waving of the arms. Variations include scarecrow, jump charleston, and more. *disclaimer, the definitions arent perfect, and Im not saying this is law, its just what I believe. feel free to debate all you want. rip it to shreds should you see fit. Im curious as to thought from the lindysphere.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 21:17:12 +0000

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