Warning. Honest response below. He isnt even out of the white - TopicsExpress


Warning. Honest response below. He isnt even out of the white house and they are already changing history books. Sigh. This is insane! And offensive. Seriously Mia Love PLEASE get your beautiful moral impassioned conservative American self elected and show people that it is the content of character that is important NOT skin! I will vote any day of the week... for a constitutional leaning candidate... and I dont care what their complexion or skin tone looks like! For my posterity... that might read this 100 years from now, this history books text is a blantant lie: The truth: The people of many skin colors, who didnt vote for Obama did NOT vote for him because of his Extreme Socialist leanings, his Communistic ideals(and communist friends), and his sly ability to constantly find fault with any traditional American Ideal, including, but not limited to religion, specifically Christianity. If they didnt vote for him, it was not because of his skin color! On the contrary, I would say many people voted for him just because of his skin color. Many were excited to have the first black president... IT WAS HISTORIC! But once in power his divisive, anti-American, and unconstitutional practices were epic, like NOTHING ever seen in previous generations, and people of every skin color were appalled at his blantant disregard for American ideals; like religious freedom, economic freedom, and a complete flip of 200+ years of state controlled departments of education. This man did more to divide this nation and its political parties then any other president. And he did it because of his beliefs and his actions, NOT because he is or isnt black. He pushed for unconstitutional federal standardized controls of education, and this example of this one approved lesson below...under common core(federal education guidelines shoved into the states) is just ONE result of this new curriculum. And WOW... it really shows the DANGER of changing history! This false history is JUST one lame outcome of what that push brought about about in supposed higher education standards. Read it and Weep.... This is what Obama did for America. He lied and lied and lied...and then made himself a hero against the white man in history books. He is the one who divides the races. Who is the racist? He makes white people sound like stupid uneducated citizens, incapable of intelligent consideration when it comes to studying out canidates to vote for. I want my great grand children to know. I stood for Liberty, Local Controls, Small Government, the Constitution, Freedom, and the right to defend all I believed. Do NOT believe for one second because I did not vote for this man, that some how that decision was made because I was racist. The country is corrupt. The system in both parties has been corrupted. I want you to know our family stood independent and held to the foundational principles of the constitution and liberty... and only voted for candidates who understood the proper role of government, and WHO didnt want to rule over the people like a KING.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 16:27:25 +0000

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