Warning: Long, loving post. In life, we forget how important - TopicsExpress


Warning: Long, loving post. In life, we forget how important out families really are to us. Growing up, I took advantage of the freedom my mother gave to me, everything she did for me was just the norm, it was all I knew, I never knew other children were treated any differently. My mum always bought me the toys I wanted, she gave me my Barbies, she gave me my Bratz, she let me wear what I wanted, whether it was a dress, a shirt, a pant, a skirt, she never judged me. Growing up I never noticed it was different in other households, but when I hit my teenage years, I started hearing whispers being passed my mothers way - Why are you buying him Barbies? Why are you letting him dress that way? This is what happens when there is no father figure in kids lives, such a shame. Looking back, I realise I was blessed with such an accepting mother, who let me be who I needed to be, who lets me be who I need to be and who helps me be who I need to be. My grand parents, my aunt, my brothers and my mother are amazing. When I started doing drag, my nan was there to help me adjust outfits, while my brothers were at home, telling me whether I looked good or not, while my mum was out helping me pick outfits. Then I came out as transgender and my nan and pop were there, asking me about the funding for my transformation, giving me supportive advice, making sure this is what I want and need. My brothers didnt bat an eyelid - My middle brother even calls me by the correct pronouns, he knows me as Isla, and its really reassuring. My mum struggles with pronouns, but always calls me by my name these days. In some ways I feel like not a lot has happened this year, but since February I have realise how supportive the people around me are, how much they love me and how much they want me to be happy and free. My nan even calls me her granddaughter now, when she can. I just feel so blessed. I am so excited for the new year, I am excited to come into myself more, excited for physical changes, mental changes and changes in my social life. Thank you everyone who has supported me, family, friends or acquaintances. I love you all for everything you do for me, even if it is just sending me a message letting me know you support me. Thank you.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 09:59:36 +0000

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