Warning! Please take heed of this, many lies as you know are - TopicsExpress


Warning! Please take heed of this, many lies as you know are attributed to Islamic State such as killing a girl for using Facebook but there are other lies that needs refutation. It is regarding a video which was posted and a group of men kill Muslim children and elderly and it is attributed to Islamic State. Abu Asad al-Uzbeki isnt a Uzbeki nor is he from Uzbekistan, rather hes Dargini from Dagestan. And hes the (blood) brother of Abu Hanifah from Dagestan. Their group was founded some months ago in Aleppo. The takfiri group of Abu Hanifah isnt active on the fronts that the Muslims have (against their enemies), rather theyre active in the already liberated areas where they set up checkpoints during the nights and steal the cars that are of good condition, after they ask the driver/owner questions regarding aqidah which they think that whoever is ignorant ofthem disbelieves(kufr). And if a person defies them, they kill him in front of his family, then they change the color of the car while they brag about doing it! And they used to believe that the Muslim populations are in fact disbelievers in their origin, and that the general population of Muslims are like the general population of the Jews and Christians. This is the kind of verdicts (fatwa) that Abu Hanifah gives them. And he gives fatwa to his followers that Jaysh al-Muhajirun wal- Ansar are apostates (murtadun) that fight (according to his claims) under a banner of Taghout and that their dead soldiers are like worthless rotten corpses! And he used to give fatwa on the obligation of emigration (hijrah) for the women around the world, without any permission (from their guardians) or with a mahram and that their beliefs (Iman) isnt valid except for them doing so. And he also makes takfir on Umar al-Georgi (a.k.a. Umar al-Shishani, commander of ISIS soldiers) and heconsiders him to be a apostate (murtad). Abu Hanifah al-Dagestani makes takfir on most of the jihadi groups, not only on al-Jabhat al-Islamiyyah (Islamic Front) and Jabhat al-Nusrah, he even calls Salah ad-Din al-Shishani (JMWA leader) a murtad. I hope Islamic State catchesthem and kills them for equal retaliation for these criminals who killed Muslims. What shocking crime this is, wallahi they will enter Jahannam if they do not repent sincerely from their crime. lm.facebook/l.php? u=http%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2FSpa3CGDM6 cQ&h=SAQF1sQZ-&s=1 Final points: According to verifiable sources, Abu Hanifa and his gang were arrested by ISIS near Aleppo for his takfeer and legalising the killing of children and elderly. He was also implicated for making takfeer on Osama bin Laden, the general muslim Ummah and previous Abbasid Caliphs. According to @CaucasusAffairs, Abu Hanifa was a judge in Al-Bab city, but this is clearly a lie as Abu Hassan is ready to go into a mubahala on it. And, it isnt logical that reportedly a judge of ISIS can make takfeer on the military commander of ISIS in the Levant. At the moment, it is not known if Abu Hanifa has an active group in and around Syria as he was arrested by ISIS. Source: Abu Male 77 blog
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 15:17:52 +0000

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