Warning...Rant to Follow... Yesterday a post was put up that - TopicsExpress


Warning...Rant to Follow... Yesterday a post was put up that talked about how crappy it was that President Obama said something about the loss of Robin Williams but said nothing about the loss of a high ranking general who was killed in the war. I suggested we pay tribute to him here on FB in that thread as a way of taking personal responsibility for what we want to see in the world. They said that was a good idea and I should google information on the general, which I did. In just a couple of minutes, I found an article on usatoday that detailed President Obamas tribute to this man. I shared that on the post along with the generals name which hadnt been mentioned. Not a single comment on the post after that...people making fun of the President and saying he did something shitty and no one says a word when a simple article shows the information to be false. Another post that stands out to me is one where someone claimed Obama was taking food away from people...I never researched it, dont really know what he was referring to...all I could focus on and wonder was when HE last visited a food shelf and made a donation. It isnt one persons responsibility to care for the country...it is the responsibility of all of us to care for ourselves and for each other. If you are passionate about making sure people have food, then get off your butt and do something about it. Dont point a finger and say one person is to blame for people starving. I know my examples here relate to Obama but I see it all the time with people across political parties, religions, etc. This isnt about whether I support or dont support one man. People, take personal responsibility for how you want to show up in the world and how you want the world to look. It doesnt matter whether you approve of someone or like someone or not. As a human, at least have the decency to be truthful in your words. Stop spreading false information and acknowledge it when you mistakenly do so so that others who may have seen your post know you shared incorrect information and are taking responsibility for doing so. Do your research and if you arent sure, dont share. So much of what we read on here is not real...not true...we breed hatred and finger pointing and distrust on false foundations...all things that divide us. Please dont be a player in this game.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 17:58:03 +0000

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