Warning: There is a bit of a rant in here! My mom was a - TopicsExpress


Warning: There is a bit of a rant in here! My mom was a waitress, and in spite of some people who look down on and make their jobs harder, she loved the work and the interaction with those she served. Yes, take in that word served. It wasnt the best of jobs and yes the tips was the biggest part of the income from that job, but at least she enjoyed what she was doing. She had had polio as a child and limped due to one leg being smaller than the other, and had rheumatic fever as a child as well which took a toll on her heart and a big part of the reason we lost her when she was only 58. What really bothers me is the attitude of so many about their waiters or waitresses when they do go out to eat. Im sure youve heard, or maybe even said Theyre going to earn their tip.. I remember working a job that required traveling the state and doing testing, and stopping in a small town to eat lunch on one of those trips. One of the people with us had had the waitress make several trips to get things for her and had said just that. She went on to say that they chose that job and a few other negative statements. I left the table early because I could not sit with that attitude anymore. This has been several years ago and my only regret is that I didnt say something then. Chose the job? Maybe. Maybe not. Different circumstances could blow the hell out of that statement. May be the only job available in a small town. Lack of opportunity sometimes makes the choice for you. Maybe it was a choice and they enjoy what they are doing. You dont know from the seat you are in what someone elses life is. Dont make assumptions when you really dont know. Quite frankly, I really appreciate it when I can go and sit down for a meal occasionally and not worry about - what to fix, preparing it, and cleaning it up afterwards. I am grateful for those that are there to see to those needs when I go out to eat! I do not see them as beneath me or that I am better than them and I dont understand that kind of attitude. You would not be able to have that night out if there were none to do those things. To see people as less than you because they have a job that you would not do is asinine! Think about it. Wouldnt want to be the garbage man? What kind of a mess would we be in if we did not have those doing that work? Appreciate what they do for us! Think of the other jobs that you would not want to do and what they actually do for us and what it would be like if they were not providing the service. I honestly dont understand the feelings of superiority over others. Each position is a part of the world we live in and may or may not be something you would want to do for a living. Sometimes it is a choice. Sometimes it is a necessity. Each one is trying to make a living and sometimes just barely surviving and their life may be harder than some could even imagine. Yes, you find the occasional waiter or waitress with an attitude and no one goes out to eat to put up with rudeness. You dont know what their day has been like and probably dont care when you are out to enjoy the evening, but you could make a difference and that is a choice. Dont go out of your way to make them jump through hoops to earn their tip. You could leave a tip they never expected and a little note that says something like: Everyone deserves happiness in their life. I hope your day gets better. Who knows. You may just turn a life around, or at least a day. Each encounter we have in life is an opportunity. Get creative. Stop complaining about things and see what you can do to make the world a better place.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 01:57:15 +0000

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