Warning: This is long, but please take the time to read it and - TopicsExpress


Warning: This is long, but please take the time to read it and share it if you feel it is worthy. The best e-mail address for me now is [email protected]. Call me anytime at 313-820-6432 or in my home office at 313-914-3234. First off, I have not been wallowing in pity, and needless to say I am disappointed that I lost this race. I am happy to say that I have literally heard from hundreds of you wishing me well, encouraging me to stay positive, and offering love and support in a beautiful and sincere way. As I have read and taken your calls, it is clear to me that you all believe in me and that is not something that money can ever buy. Many of you expressed your shock at the end result, and I understand your disappointment all too well, but we must accept the result and figure out what’s next. I’m going to try to fit in all in this message. Let me start by thanking each and every one of you, including all those that endorsed my candidacy, those who volunteered their time and energy, those who wrote checks to my campaign, and those who were so supportive of my vision and ideas for the 13th House District and the State of Michigan. I will not use individual name here, but they will ALL get a thank you from me. The “shock” many of you expressed with my loss to a closet Republican and a man who has so little vision that to this day I have no idea what he stands for. I have searched my soul for how this happened, and to be honest, I don’t have a clear answer. We out worked him by miles. We outraised him. We out endorsed him a thousand fold. We knocked more doors in a week than he did during the entire campaign. We mailed, called, knocked some more and did everything that you have to do to win, yet we didn’t. Was this just his time? I can’t answer that, but I know it is not a seat he should be comfortable sitting in for more than two years because at this point, and I do reserve the right to change my mind down the road, but I am planning to run again in 2016 and I will be watching him like a hawk. I will give him credit for being a good family man, but as a leader and a thought inducing visionary, I don’t see it at all. In fact, I am convinced that the small group of his inner circle, who did most all of the little work that did get done during the campaign, will be using him like a puppet. Watch for the strings, because they are there. These are not words of a bitter candidate who lost a race, but of someone who has the skill set to study and research. I am someone who NEVER makes accusations unless I am entirely certain I know the facts, and I am not one who throws rocks unless I am concerned about my fellow woman or man. My opponent is anything but a Progressive, has no idea what he is about to undertake, and will not be, in the best case scenario, more than body to fill a seat. I am concerned that the great people of the 13th District will be grossly underserved. That is not just unfortunate, but dangerous at a time when we need our Representatives to be focused on solutions and be willing to risk everything to win the battles in the trenches. He is not that Representative. Mark my words. Let’s talk a little bit about November. It is clear that Mark Schauer has a legitimate shot at winning this election and I promise you that when he wins his desires and abilities to serve all the people of Michigan will be evident from day one. You MUST work to help elect him and the Lt. Governor candidate, Lisa Brown, whom I have great love and respect for. I am fortunate to say I know each of them and am proud to call them friends, but I also know their work ethic and their political roots, and they are exactly the type of people we need leading the state in the right direction and both have their priorities exactly where they need to be. Please trust me when I tell you that Another priority is Gary Peters. This is a man, father and husband who has made himself not only a business success, but a political success as well. He is that rare Democrat that isn’t afraid to make though decisions, and although there are times when he and I do not see eye to eye, I never have to guess where he is coming from and he is never afraid to give his justification for why he supported or voted for something. We should appreciate the qualities Gary Peters exemplifies. I do and I hope you will work to get him elected in November, I know I will. Many have asked me, “what’s next?” Great question, but not an easy one to answer. I will not be going back to radio. There are no options in this market for a Progressive voice like mine. The sad truth is that in spite of the myth that the media is liberal, nothing could be further from the truth. With very few exceptions, the media is controlled by conservatives whose agenda is anti middleclass, anti Union and anti progress. They hoard their money and ask for our hard work yet are unwilling to properly compensate the people who makes them their billions. We all know that to be true and the easiest example I have is right here in Michigan. The Detroit News and Free Press, conservative and liberal by design, is not quite accurate. The Detroit News is conservative, no question about that. The Free Press is more liberal, but by no means are they liberal in the way you and I understand liberal. And that is one of many examples of how the media has abandoned you and I. It’s pretty freaking bad. Now, back to “what now”. I don’t know for sure, but I do need to find a job and submerge myself into that, first and foremost. I have to make sure my family is cared for, etc. Starting Monday I will begin a search for a new career, but radio is out. If you know of something, let me know. I do and will stay engaged in the political process and I will continue to be active and be a voice for the middle class and those who suffer in poverty. I will commit to all of you right now that my voice will not be silenced and I will always be there for you for whatever you need. My belief that collectively we can accomplish anything we set our minds to is stronger today than it was yesterday, and will be ever stronger tomorrow. If you will commit to helping my message reach a larger audience in whatever way that is possible, I promise to empower, inspire and motivate to the best of my ability. And with your assistance, I know we can change our misfortunes if we just stay focused and selfless. I have spent twenty years or more of my life giving to others who needed help. I have taken on issues that most would ignore and I am proud of what I have accomplished. As I wrote many times during the campaign or for the many years on the radio; I am you and you are me. I refuse to quit until we win and I will not allow myself to be detained from the simple act of showing up and I will not be derailed from speaking out for those who are underrepresented and denied the American Dream, for whatever that means to you individually, and finally I will always show up if you ask me to. I need you as much, if not more, than you need me. Trust me that’s true. I know that I do not have all the answers, but I know God put me on this earth to make a huge difference, and together we will. I am passionately dedicated to making sure that when you and I leave a room, those who have offended us will ask, “what in the hell happened?” What happened is that we kept fighting for what we know to be best for all of us and didn’t give in ever. One victory will lead us back to the next issue, and so on. I sure hope you are all with me because I know I am with you. Oddly, losing has set me up with more fire and purpose. I know where I stand and what I believe in. I am not afraid to fail and anxious to succeed for all of us. You have all given me something that inspires me and sets me on fire. I need equality for all. I need to fairness and honesty. I need love and I need to be engaged in the process for change. Listen, everything happens for a reason. We don’t always understand the reason at the time why it happens, as I do not at this point. But I know a few things for sure and one of them is that my desire and need to be there to make sure our needs are met, will not dwindle or be snuffed out by a campaign election that I lost. In my heart I am activist and advocate. I am a father husband, brother, friend, etc., with a burning desire to see change that we all benefit from, and I will not rest until we live in a state that leads with an education policy that allows those who dedicate theirs lives to teaching our children are properly recognized and compensated. I will not rest until we grow the Union movement once again. I will not rest until Right to Work is just a bad footnote in our states history. I will not rest until we understand that we control our destiny. Your vote, your abilities and your desire must equate to more than words; you must lead by example, and if you are not doing that now, you best find the courage to change and ask others to follow. We are Democrats for many reasons, but I believe the one reason that matters most of all is because being a Democrat means embracing a society that created opportunity for all, and at this time that is just not true. And who is leading us, guiding us and creating laws for us? Republicans, and see what good that has done for too many of us. It’s not just about electing people who are us, but being the people who sincerely believes that change starts with that person you see in the mirror. If you are not happy with where we are as a society right now, and I am not, what are you willing to do to change this misfortune? The dictatorial rule that we currently live with has rubbed me raw and I am bound and determined to change our futures. Let me close this way too long message by simply saying that I love you all. I want to continue to have you in my life and I want to stay engaged and relevant. I want that for you, too. I am proud of my campaign and all of those who helped me along the way. No, I did not win, and whether you think this message is about my ego and not sincerity talking, you are dead wrong. Let’s take a deep breath and get back on the horse, if you will. But let’s remember that we have each other’s backs and two years from now the seat in the 13th that is being kept warm for me, will be filled by a man of the people, not a man who wanted a title more than he wanted to help. I’m watching closely and will not rest until I am elected to as a Representative in the 13th District. Now, let’s get to work. Remember what Thomas Jefferson once said, “The government you elect is government you deserve.” If you don’t deserve this, then do something about it, but remember I am with you 100%. Are you with me?
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 18:14:05 +0000

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