Warning: lengthy post. Well, a rough day. We were the only - TopicsExpress


Warning: lengthy post. Well, a rough day. We were the only flight on our platform so the day moved very fast. We only had about 20min to warm up and every time we entered the ballroom, I was 2 lifters out, with my last warm up < 3min behind me, every lift (and I was one of the last guys every time). Lifting began at 9 and we finished at 11. Not an excuse, but definitely took some of the joy out of the day almost immediately. I didnt match my PR total from my qualifying meet which is disappointing but I left a lot on the platform, ESPECIALLY on squat. I did however add about 10% to my raw Wilks total in one year, which is huge. On the brighter side; I matched my squat PR, and beat my best squat from 145 by 22lbs. I couldve gotten more but due to miscommunication between myself and my handler, we loaded too much. I wasnt thinking clearly and okayd an attempt I immediately realized was not what I wanted. Shit happens, and youre not allowed to lower/change squat attempts. Ended with 369, missed 396, wanted 385. Had I lifted 374, it wouldve been an American record. That is the hardest pill to swallow. Hit a 5lb PR on my bench, beating my PR from 5 weeks ago, and beat by PR from 145 by 10lbs. Missed 5 more on my third. Cant be too upset, its there on a day I dont miss a squat right beforehand, and I PRd the attempt previous anyway. Deadlift followed suit. I was beat by this time and missed my personal best. No excuses, bad attempt selection is parasitic in nature, and had left me in pretty bad shape by this point. First two went fast, but my ability to grind was basically exhausted. So overall 6/9 (yikes!). Apparently this was good enough to earn me my first ever USAPL drug test. Not how I like to handle myself on meet day. But considering I knew I was good for a 22+ lbs PR on squat and 10+ lbs on bench made attempt selection a huge pain. My openers were far too light, and my 3rds were heavier than my openers shouldve allowed with the exception of bench. I knew this going in, but knew I wanted to open light to protect against the bomb. A PR total was the goal. Overall, learned a lot, and I know what needs to be worked on. I did add more than 10% to my Wilks in one year, and couldve added more with better selections. Itll come, just need to get more comfortable opening heavy and getting more aggressive putting weight on the bar in the gym. I hope work will allow me to attend Raw Nationals next year for some redemption. Until then its back to the basement until I move.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 18:01:51 +0000

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