Warning long post and spoiler alert on The Movie Noah. I had - TopicsExpress


Warning long post and spoiler alert on The Movie Noah. I had many people ask me to post what I thought of the Movie Noah after seeing it last night. First I went with a completely open mind looking forward to what I assumed would be some fantastic epic special effects AND most likely a very loose adaptation of the Biblical story of Noah and his family. I have no issue with using imagination to get people thinking however it had the potential to be soooo much more. If your looking for a very biblical expectation of the movie, this is not what you are going to find. A LOT of artistic licence was taken my first observation is that the name God is never mentioned and he is referred to as the Creator here are some answers/background on the story of Noah and the ark. The fallen angels were fallen because they tried to help man, they disobeyed GOD and took human women as wives and had children. They were not rock creatures. ( Although I did enjoy the transformer looking rock creatures) That alone wouldnt have made me not enjoy the movie. The world became populated by people who were evil and GOD found nobody that didnt have complete wickedness in his heart except Noah and his family. His 3 sons all had wives who came on the ark. Not 3 sons and one stray orphan girl that Noah and his family raised. He didnt refuse to allow his other boys to have wives and Noah certainly never had to drink some weird tea to see a vision of what God wanted him to do. GOD told Noah his plans to flood the earth if the people of earth didnt repent(change their ways). GOD then told Noah to build an ark to house him and his family and all animals both male and female to start over with them after the earth was cleansed. Noah also went into the city to tell all the inhabitants that the flood was coming. He did this for many years, building the ark and to prophecy to the people, but they all mocked him. Jesus said in Matt. 24:37-38: “But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. “For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark,” (Gen.6-7) There was no bad guy that got into the ark. Ham never hated Noah. Noah talked to GOD often and was his faithful servant. It rained for 40 days and nights to destroy all the inhabitants of the earth. God instructed Noah to carry enough food for his family and the animals not drug them to sleep for 9 months. The plan of God was to have Noah and his family repopulate the earth. And as a promise to mankind GOD made a sign that he would not destroy the earth by flood again, the rainbow. My final word is that Movies are made for Entertainment and if people who saw this are driven to the Bible for answers then that is awesome. I think it could have been so much better and they had no reason to take the heart of the message of a family found faithful and changing it completely was disappointing. Gen 6;22 So Noah did everything exactly as God had commanded him.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 16:36:36 +0000

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